Continuing a server-by-server look at the alts I played in City of Heroes …
In the midst of much drama llamaing, a group of us got together on the Freedom server and created the “Hostess Heroes” — a series of snack food-inspired characters:
Bear Claws, Ginger Snap, twinkie Kid, Brownie Points, Cheesy Poof, Bazooka Josephine, Mmm Pie, Just Desserts, Oreo of Justice, Fig Neutron, Otter-Pop, Chunky Style, Creme Puff, Divinity Chu, Hot Fries, Pixie Stick, Pork Rind, Die Meiserzinger, Mooon Pie, Staypuft Marshmallow, J A W Breaker, Thin Mint, Kracker Jaxs …
And a few others, including Ho Ho, my Invuln/Axe Tank. I was convinced that someone would register a complaint over the name, if not the concept, and I’d come back to find myself as UnnamedHero02347. But nobody every did.
I also learned that Axe was a horribly, horribly slow power. Yes, great at knockdown, but, damn!
Margie played Princess Peep, a Rad/Rad Defender (the yellow woman in the pix above). She was awesome.
We actually had a regular team night (Mondays), and did a fair number of adventures together. Things petered out just shy of 30, with changing participation and social circles on- and off-line.
Margie and I also created a pair of Cheetos Cheetahs, including my Chester Cheetah (teamed with Margie’s Chesty Cheetah). We never played them much, but they were still a fun concept.
The HH group, after all the other players fell away, became our default SG for additional toons on Freedom.
Maitre D’mon was a demonic French chef (Zombies/Poison Mastermind). I loved the name. He was part of an abortive CoV counterpart to the Hostess Heroes, named, of course, “Devil’s Food”. Margie rolled a number of characters for that, including Brussels Sprout (in the pic above, front right) and Frozen Leftovers. She also created a Zombies/Force Field Mastermind named Day Old Shelf who she ran up to 50.
Two throw-away concepts — Margie rolled up a character named Zestra (after a briefly widely-advertised sexual stimulation gel), while I created Satisfied Partner to go with her.
Kwai Havok, a Dark Melee/Willpower Scrapper I wish I’d done more with, noteworthy for both an awful name and being another Dave clone (with a ponytail, no less). He teamed up, into the mid-teens, with a version of Margie’s Copper Mountain.
For the record, there was an Al McGordo character (Rad Controller) on this server, too.
I had forgotten all about Devil’s Food. I must have had somebody in there, as I remember Maitre D’mon, but I can’t for the life of me remember who it was.
Aha! The game is still installed. Swedish Meat Ball! (Swedish Meatball was taken!) 2290 days offline. That’s… a long time. 🙁
Amazing how it adds up.