More on I8

Quoth Positron:

Teleport fix should be in the next patch as well, as well as some code for memory leaks and other nastiness.

A fix for Group Teleport will be coming in I8.

Patron Respec issue should be fully solved in the next patch as well.

Dominators are getting a buff that should make them more desireable on LRSF in I8 as well.

Lt.s should be spawning in missions again (I don’t know if this is fixed in the patch, or was fixed in I8).

We are constantly datamining PvP, seeing which side is winning more. The results are not what you expect. One side wins, then the other side, then the balance shifts back, and then back again.

I had 2 PM’s in my box, back to back. The first was “Stalkers are useless in PvP” and the next was “Stalkers are overpowered in PvP”. The grass is always greener they say…

Our lead programmer has been doing nothing but fixing bugs since I7 was released. He mentioned to me the other day that he hadn’t written one line of code that was only in I8. We -are- trying to get the major issues fixed, but eventually the new issue has to come out, and that gobbles up the Training Room server, and we have to button down new fixes until that Issue goes to Live.

The next patch for I7 is not in NC Soft’s hands yet, but will be shortly. You can expect it on the Training Room once it has passed their internal QA process.

And yes, all of this bug fixing has pushed out I8 beyond the original “September” estimate I gave back in May.

Oh, and there’s a Hero version of Lord Recluse’s Strike Force a-coming … in I9.

2 thoughts on “More on I8”

  1. Thanks for the info! I was searching everywhere for info on the upcoming hero version of the LRSF… Go Google!

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