Worst … power set … evah

Okay, that’s probably not fair. Make it, “Worst … power set visuals … evah.”

I really hate Earth Control. I mean, yeah, let’s make the entire combat area into a completely visually blocked area! Woot!

This is not a criticism of anyone who’s taken the power — from what it sounds like, it’s pretty spiffy. But it’s always bothered me, and it was even worse tonight when I did an unexpected run with Lynn SKing Mal’s Night Lizard, since, as a Scrapper, I was the one up-close-and-personal with the Bulbs of Rock Gone Mad.

And what’s worse and more vision-blocking than the Earth Control graphics? The Earth Control graphics when you’re up against Devouring Earth. As they scale to the opponents, and make the entire map … well … like a Metastasized Termite Mound.

I mean, I know Lynn was in there somewhere — she was reticling stuff, even if I couldn’t see it. Or her. And as long as she was, I could keep hitting. I just didn’t know what I was hitting, or which direction it was, or if there was a better target next to it, or …

Now, that having been said, running with Mal was, as always (and I hasten to point out) a delight — if for no other reason than he laughs at my bad puns (and, not incidentally, plays quite well). And I would be willing to do so again, even with an Earth Controller (as NL is the same level as Idzuna and Unchained Path, that’s quite likely). Good teaming always trumps bad power sets.

But … damn … really wish the Devs would do something with the graphics on that power set. Because *I’ll* never run one of the critters, even if it’s as powerful as it sounds. Just … too … annoying …

2 thoughts on “Worst … power set … evah”

  1. I’d never seen this set used against the Devouring Earth.
    From the rear of the fight, I was having problems seeing other targets. I can only imagine– and, thanks to the Magic of Teh Interweb– I can see that it was far more frustrating in melee range.

  2. I really with I’d taken a screen cap. It was like the battle was going in another room. No idea what it would have been like if I’d been at FPS perspective. 🙂
    That said, it was fun running with you. Maybe next time we can do it against the Evil Yet Exceedingly Diminutive Pygmies of the Outer Talos Islands.

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