Timing is everything

Freedom Phalanx Day — which I look forward to as a great reason to play Velvet — is Sunday afternoon …
… just when I’m leaving on a business trip for the week.
Knights Night — which I very much look forward to as a great reason to play Fazenda (in her new costume, no less) — is Thursday night …
… just when I’m flying back from my business trip.

Keyboard thing

I’ve had an issue over the past few weeks of odd keyboard buffering — most often manifesting with “Hey, I let go of the [w] key but I’m still running forward toward that very unfriendly group of purple mobs!” Well, I thought I was actually wearing out my keyboard, but now I’m thinking that’s not the case.
Last night, the same thing happened a couple of times dodging to the side (and running uncontrollably against the wall for a few moments).
And I’ve realized I’ve had a coincident problem with typing, where suddenly my typing in the chat window will queue up for multiple moments, with nothing coming out for a second or two, then the keyboard buffer slowly emptying. Which is, I’m thinking, the same problem (e.g., the [w] gets queued up while pressed and continues to then execute even after I let off the key).
Question is — WTF? And how to do I fix it?
Need to go to the boards, when I get a chance …

Bit and pieces

Ran with Ho Ho and Princess Peep last night, getting both to 16 and beyond.
I’ve decided, in retrospect, that I really ought to have gone for Taunt — the “Bite Me” aura is good with Invuln, but Axe is way too slow for punchvoke. Since my job is, often as not, trying to hold/control aggro for the biggest nasties (followed by standing up to same), not having Taunt is a problem.
Alas, I’m in the High Teens Rut (appropriate for Ho Ho), so this time I got Health (leading to the desperately needed Stamina at 20), and next time I have to get Invincible. Then Stamina. At 22, I start backfilling some of the Resists, but I’ll reevaluate at that time to see if I need to get Taunt (since the best Taunt is, of course, staying on your feet).
Until then, guess I just have to keep wiggling the butt and asking to be bitten.
Gameplay went pretty well — were in some nasty Lost mishes, but I (barely!) managed to stay on my feet. Unyielding rocks vs. Aberrents — never got mezzed once, and that was a good thing.

Afterwards, we pulled out PC/A to finish our (4th) costume mission slot. That should get us an added free costume token today, when the /cov fix goes in. Margie went on to do something similar for P-Siren and Araware.

Costume Curiosities – taking the Cost out of Costuming

The /cov patch will be going live with “tomorrow morning’s update,” so …
… since they’ll be giving out free costume tokens for each costume slot
… if you have a toon that could open up a new slot, tonight would be the time to open it (even if you don’t actually fill it with anything).
So PC/A, who took their Founders Falls Icon mission last night, will be finishing their Nemmie hunt tonight so they can get the extra slot (and, thus, an extra free costume build). Give the cost of costuming, that’s a pretty nice deal.


So as I was going through my Character Update, I realized there was something missing, largely, in what I was writing.
I mean, this is a MMORPG, right? And the Alliance is an RP group, right?
Well, frankly — my RP is just plain old turning to be largely situational. Posts when I think of it (I have a couple lined up for Torchielle and Lynn, and another one or two nebulously out there for PC), and always in RP character voice online, and open for RP chats if they come up. But I really don’t have strong, compelling stories to tell with these folks. Or, rather, I have too many other things going on to carve out time for strong compelling stories with them — especially since there’s the distraction of, well, gameplay. PC has a big story. Torchy does (or could). Most of my characters have strong backstories that could lead to something interesting.
But … that “could” will probably largely remain shallow, not going much beyond hints and motivations behind chit-chat and related activities.
I know there are folks who spend hours just standing around with their toons RPing. And I accept, respect, and, in fact, admire that. But I also look to CoX a lot for the opportunity to just bash on bad guys/opponents. I’m happy (in fact, more than happy) to do that IC, but I really … sadly .. am not going to be acting out the Great American Novel as part of the game. It doesn’t fit with what I want from the game, nor the circumstances in which I usually play it.

Character update

Current status of my various toons:

  • 49 – Psi-clone: Continues the slow rise to 50. We’re playing him and Amorpha around 3 days a week, interfered with by fatigue, travel, and other commitments. We’re still making steady progress, though, carving through AVs-as-Elite Bosses. I do want to respec him, though — the Mental Blast from the Mind Mastery Epic Pool has been pretty wussy. I can do better. I also, once I7 hits, want to do something fun costume-wise.
    (Hmmm. Just heard from Margie on something about that. More in another post.)

  • 31 – Velvet Jones: Hrm. When’s Phalanx Prestige Day? Hrm.
  • 27 – Lynn Calodo: My ongoing solo character (though I’ve ended up on a few teams and conversations with various Shrike alts). She’s still deep in Striga territory, but doing quite nicely on Heroic, thanks much. As a solo character, not sure what, if anything, I’m going to do regarding TFs. Or, for that matter, respecs, though I don’t have anything I want to respec her to/away from.
  • 26 – Torchielle: I can snipe! Yay! Having continue god-awful-area-damage fun with Hildegard. I find working with them to be relaxing.
    Did a costume change on her, in conjunction with getting her a cape. That meant changing her hairstyle, which was only partially successful.
    I am looking forward to a respec, though — I want to change her over to Fly from SJ. I think it makes sense for her, given her background, and I’m coming to decide that I like the flexibility of Fly.

  • 21 – Fazenda: Still need to show off my new “illegal” costume. The next Knight Night should be … probably while I’m on a business trip next week. Urg.
  • 15 – Ho Ho: Missed out on her last week. Looking forward to playing with her this week.
  • Mr. Azure, Amethyst Crown, Honor the Flag, Big Lungs, Al McGordo, Fr. Frank: Nada. I’ve been tempted to do a bit of soloing with Honor, but went with Lynn instead. And I’m looking forward to getting back to the Azures in the future.
  • Mister Thorne, Mister Ravenous, Eliza Dee: Again, sadly, nada. Maybe a bit more on the CoV side once we’re done with PC/A’s rise to the top.


I’m pretty certain I have this already on an alt (Velvet?), but just a note for future playing with: auto-Jump bind:

/bing J "powexec_toggleon Super Jump$$++autorun$$++up"

Actually, from what I recall, the main problem with this is that Paragon is full of annoying things to jump into and under, and Murphy’s Law of Super Jump states that given a choice, a toon will always be a few inches short of the rooftop, or will land in a fire-escape-thicketed alley, or just under a dockside.
Still, even though you have to watch and steer, it means less holding down of keys.


Psi-clone and Amorpha are at 49.42.
Tonight we took down (as Elite Bosses, to be sure) Black Swan, Siege, Nightstar, Malaise & Mother Mayhem, and Diabolique and Infernal. (For those wondering, those guys as Elite Bosses generally are netting around 4K, with the missions earning around 30K.)
The Malaise/Mother Mayhem mish not only got the award for the Creepiest Set Dressing in CoH (the Asylum), but netted us the Portal Jockey Accolades.
Slow but sure …

Else-alt …
Hildy & Torchy dinged 26. Snipe!
Lynn dinged 27.
Blue Point dinged 37.

Here Be Monsters

Click on the “thumbnail” for a full-sized photo of some unpleasant customers:

From left to right, front row:
Mantid (player character, just under six feet) [and the person who put this together]
Adamastor (found in Dark Astoria. Keeper Of Secrets badge.)
Kraken (found in Perez Park. Unleasher badge.)
Clockwork Paladin (found in Kings Row. Knight Errant badge obtained for preventing him from being built)
Babbage (found wild in Boomtown and as an ambush in the Synapse TF. Clockstopper badge, awarded always for the wild version and only sometimes for the Synapse version.)
Jack-in-Irons (found in Croatoa with hordes of redcaps. Giant Killer badge.)
Jurassik (found wild in Crey’s Folly, and as the final boss in the Numina TF. The Solution badge, awarded always for the wild version and very rarely for the Numina version.)
Head of the Hydra (found at the end of the Sewer Trial. Head of the Hydra exploration badge sitting underneath it.)
Winter Lord (2005 Winter Holiday event only thus far. Frozen Fury badge.)
Lanaru (found at the end of the last Shadow Shard TF. All three Aspects of Rularuu (Ruladak, Faathim, Lanaru) are the same size. No badge per se.)
Eochai (found in Croatoa with hordes of Fir Bolg. Pumpkin King badge.)
Kronos Titan (ambush in a 45-50 Malta story arc. Master of Olympus badge.)
Lusca (found in Independence Port, along with eight tentacles. Devilfish badge.)
Crystal Titan (found at the end of the Eden Trial. No badge per se.)
Back row:
Hamidon (found in the middle of The Hive. Hamidon himself is the big round thing in the middle, while lots of other smaller round things surround him in the goo. Heart of the Hamidon exploration badge almost directly underneath it.)
Rularuu the Ravager (not in game yet.)


Psi-clone and Amorpha are at 49.32.
Ran a slew of AV missions, though down at Heroic so that they were manageable Elite Bosses. Infernal, Dreck, Battle Maiden, Daibolique. Only the first gave us trouble — and two deaths each of debt (largely the result of my eventually drawing aggro from the room full of demons and Amorpha either dropping after I was down or dropping trying to save me).
Still … slow, steady progress.

Don’t cross the Devs

In CoH, all you have to worry about if you get reported for misbehavior is being banned. In the new historical recreation MMORPG Roma Victor, offending player characters get … crucified.

Roma Victor is an online recreation of Britain in Roman times, where players live virtual lives as slaves and citizens of that all-conquering Empire. The world is currently in the final stages of testing and will officially launch on July 1st 2006, after which thousands of players will be able to live out their own virtual lives within ancient Roman-occupied Britannia.
Cynewulf, who is the first player within Roma Victor to receive this brutal punishment [for “ganking” newly-appeared characters], will be hung on a cross for a full seven days on full public display in the digital reconstruction of the provincial town of Corstopitum (modern day Corbridge in Northumberland, England).
Kerry Fraser-Robinson, RedBedlam’s CEO says: “Roma Victor has been designed from the outset to offer an historically authentic and realistic virtual world. Although crucifixion is nowadays synonymous with persecution and religious symbolism, in 180CE it was just one of many severe punishments used by the Romans to punish criminals and to send a clear message out to other potential wrong-doers. And since our online world is historically authentic, we feel that applying this punishment to cheats, hackers and other virtual wrongdoers is not only appropriate, but also adds to the gaming experience by resonating with classical history.”
Crucifixion is to be used as a form of player ‘ban’ within the virtual world of Roma Victor, with the length of the ban reflecting the severity of the punishment. For cheating by exploiting a bug and advancing his or her character’s skills unfairly, for example, a player might typically receive a seven-day ban; multiple or more serious offences will result in a longer (or even permanent) ban.

Nice. And people get to stand below the character and ridicule him, too.
Maybe banned players in CoH should be thrown in the Zig. Or handed over to Dr. Vahzilok for … experimentation. The possibilities are endless …
(via BoingBoing)

Costume Curiosities, the Sequel

CuppaJo on the resolution to the CoV costume thang:

  1. The /cov command is being removed on Test today, Live tomorrow. More warnings about how it could screw your toon up to use it (though the Dev response was low-key enough that the risk seems small).
  2. Until I7:

    For heroes that have a villain costume part OR villains that have a hero part: Those “rogue” costume parts will remain on your character until you visit the tailor again.
    When you visit the tailor your rogue costume parts will be replaced with “generic” costume items. You can then change them for a fee to normal costume items OR cancel out and leave your rogue costume items in place. Note – this means that if you want to keep your rogue costume items you cannot change anything on your costume. However – you can change other costumes that do not contain rogue items.

    Fair enough.

  3. For I7 and beyond:

    In Issue 7 the costume creator and tailors will work like they do now if you own just CoV or just CoH – however, if you own BOTH you will have access to both sets of costumes for all of your characters. NOTE: You must have upgraded to a combined account to get access to this option.
    If you have a combined account and choose to wait until issue 7 to change your rogue costume – your rogue items will not be made generic.

    So … and I don’t recall this being spelled out before … you’ll have access to CoV costume parts in CoH only if you have accounts in both games. Interesting. Though somewhat controversial, since the CoV players already have access to nearly all CoH costume parts, but not vice-versa.

UPDATE: Patch isn’t going in tonight. Extra costume tokens will also be going out (tacit recognition that folks may have screwed themselves up because of a screw-up by the devs). Nice.
Fazenda still looks good.

A tiny recap

Not a lot of CoH news of late — my travel and other Real Life concerns have been sort of interfering with the Important Stuff.

  1. I actually managed to get to the hotel in time on Sunday night to play a bit with Margie (in and amongst late-night conference calls). We have a mic set up on Margie’s machine now, along with her headphone; with my notebook on the other end, we were able to use GTalk to do voice communication. Fun time running around with Hildy and Torchy. Watching smouldering piles of bodies at Hildy’s feet never gets old.
  2. Margie’s got Blue Point up to 35.4. Nice. She’s actually getting up high enough that her experience is guiding some design changes for Amorpha.
  3. Margie headed off to bed early last night (after Space Night), so I spent a few hours soloing with Lynn on Striga, getting her up to 26.6. Yay. Easy times with Council (including Vampyrii and Warwolves), a bit rougher with Banished Pantheon (like everyone, I fricking hate Storm Shamans).

Need to get some more time in, in particular with Psi-clone and Amorpha. I’ll make a note of that.

I7 Interview

Positron chats on I7 and beyond. Some highlights …

… When we add newspaper-style missions for CoH, they will get their own versions of Mayhem Missions … “Going Rogue” is a huge undertaking on our part. Making sure Masterminds work in CoH, Defenders don’t “break” CoV, etc. We have a few other systems we want to get out of the way first before we tackle this can of worms [after I7], but we have been laying the groundwork for it for a while. … Masterminds are getting a “Thugs” set in Issue 7, as this was one of the most requested type of Henchmen. Thugs get dual weapons, shotguns, and the ability to call out a “Gang War” on your enemies. We did a lot of things with Thugs that set the groundwork for future stuff, like dual sidearms and trench coats. … Future updates will have more Epic Archetypes for both Heroes and Villains. Epic Archetypes add a lot to the game, so we don’t want to just slap some powers together and call it an EAT. We have big, big plans for Epic Archetypes in upcoming issues. … [Regarding Recluse’s Victory] Giant robots with Mastermind-style controls. I will leave you with that.


BD suggested I actually post this as an actual post, rather than buried in a comment. Regarding the “/cov” undocumented command for enabling CoV costume parts in CoH, CuppaJo warns:

We will be fixing this issue very soon with a patch. This command was never meant to be used and thus has never been through the QA process. Using this command could cause your character to become corrupt and thus the devs advise that you do NOT use this command or encourage others to do so.

Fazenda still exists, though it did cause me to crash during parts browing. You’ve been warned (and I’m going to eschew further use of it).
And, further:

This command was created for use by Devs/QA only during CoV beta. It just so happens that this command was set to be available to everyone instead of just Devs/QA on accident at some point. Thus – it was never tested by QA in the same way they test commands intended for players.
The command changes more than just your costume options – as people have noted it also changes your ID screen among other things. Also – there are problems when you access CoV costumes this way – some faces are messed up – some costumes are not there. It was never intended for player use – it’s not a “controlled leak” or anything like that.
At this time we advise changing your costume to a complete hero costume. You can do this by zoning to another zone. When you return to icon your tailor screen should be back to normal and you should be able to change your costume back to what it was. I have no info on whether or not we will offer free tailor sessions to compensate for this. I wouldn’t count on it.
We are working on a fix – but spending extra time testing to make sure it is done right. All I know about the fix for sure is that it will remove this slash command from the game for players. As of yet I do NOT know if the fix will remove any CoV costumes on heroes or anything else. We are still investigating the best solution.


Costume curiosities

Hildy and Torchy were at Icon tonight, getting their capes.
As I was exiting, I noticed someone with a local tell, “Type /cov 1 for cov costume parts.”
And Margie went back in, typed that command (“/cov 1”), clicked on Icon … and had access to villainous costume parts.
Interesting …
(There are, we note, some very cool Villain capes. Including “Feathers,” which Avo should very much look into.)

UPDATE: Why, yes, that is Fazenda with real fishnet stockings. And a top hat. Yay!


Psi-clone and Amorpha double-dinged 49 at the same time last night. Can’t imagine we’ll manage to time it that closely for 50, but that would be pretty keen.
Only (now) 9.5 pips to go! Start planning the party!

Sprucing up the joint

Issue 7 will include various and sundry base enhancements.
I’d be much more excited if I were more excited about bases. I mean, it seems to be de rigeur for SGs these days, but I’m not feeling the Huge Need for Base Goodness.
Still, it will be nice to have some storage lockers for Salvage, Enhancements, and Inspriations. And it will be pretty to be able to put super=logos on “banners, tables, holograms, and other items.”
Actually, rewind there a second.

Tired of not being able to store those special Inspirations you’ve been lugging around for months? Do you wish you could leave your Salvage and Enhancements in your cozy citadel for you and your compatriots to use later? With the new Storage Items you will be able to create Inspiration receptacles, Enhancements containers, and bins to keep all your Salvage in a convenient spot for all to share!

Really? Okay, that’s pretty keen. Heck, it would be nice to be able to stash away some Enhancements that I can’t use … yet … for when I can.