Vet Rewards

So I’ve passed the 27 Months (“Dedicated”) Vet Reward.

At the end of this month (7/29), I’ll hit the 30 Month (“Committed”) reward, which is some costume bits, some base decor, and a costume change.  Meh.

At Halloween (10/29), I’ll hit 33 Months (“Unswerving”), which will give me  the (huzzah!) permanent Nemmie Staff or Blackwand.  Yay!  I know some characters who will jones for that.

At the end of January (1/29), I’ll hit the magic 36 Months (“Addicted” – ya think?), which gives me a little non-combat pet.  Which is both goofy and fun.


Developer Diary

Posi’s description of what went into the design decisions for I10.  Interesting.

With Issue 10 we decided to advance the storyline. Like any ongoing game we have many unresolved plot threads and each is a great opportunity for introducing new game content. Our first thought for Issue 10 was to bring back the 5th Column, a villain group that disappeared when the Council was introduced in Issue 3. But in the end we decided to focus on one of the greatest threats to Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, the aliens known as the Rikti. We had revealed a lot about the Rikti in the past, but there was always the looming specter of a second Rikti War. There were already plenty of missions that involve shutting down attempts by stranded Rikti to contact their homeworld. For current players, Rikti are a familiar enemy and remain a giant pain in the butt.

Sean Fish (aka Manticore) had already determined what happened with the Omega Team who sealed the Rikti in their home dimension to end the first Rikti War, but this was knowledge hidden to the players. They only knew that Hero 1 and a small band of magic heroes closed the portals from the other side, never to be heard from again. We knew that this was a big question that needed an answer for the players, so it became a central point not only to the game, but the comic book we publish with Top Cow as well.

Catching up with the boards

I was a few weeks behind on the boards — which is probably okay, since a lot of it was beta testing this-n-that.

Btw, I’ve been watching over Margie’s shoulder as she betas I10 (both the original closed and now the open beta).  It looks like it will be much fun.

Stuff to pass on:

  1. Sonic Shields:  Now a much more close-fitting orange wavery effect, rather than epilepsy-inducing sonic cages.  I don’t think they look as good, but, then, the old ones didn’t (literally) cause me to vomit.
  2. Super-Strength:  A couple of the high-power attacks (KO, Haymaker) will actually make the screen shake.  Must … play … more … Velvet.
  3. Big interview with Positron about I10.  The “Second Rikti Invasion” will be an all-out event for a couple of weeks when it goes live, then settle down some.
  4. New Co-Op Task Force (45-50).  Yay!
  5. Spiffy I10 Teaser Video. (Hi-Res Version)
  6. Vanguard backgrounder.


Cool Q&A with Jay Doherty, lead costume designer for CoX.  Here’s an interesting one:

Community Qestion (Belga): Can we be given access to the NPC costume pieces? Many players would love to use the Carnival of Shadows pieces, for example, and I’d really like to have access to the Mu Mystics costumes.

Jay Doherty: When NPCs where first made there was no intention to give players those costume pieces, mostly because they would not work with other costume pieces (ex: clipping, overlapping) When the PPD exobot guys were first put into the game, players really wanted those pieces for themselves. Unfortunately all those pieces where made to work with each other not as separate pieces, and they look really silly if you don’t have all the pieces on. So to address this we have come up with a few solutions. First, while not completely copying the carnival of shadows I have built a completely new costume set with the flavour of the carnival. Second, there will be a new NPC group that was built with the player in mind, all costume pieces from this NPC group will be something players will be able to wear. Now depending on how the players respond to this is how we’ll handle more things in the future. Please don’t think that every NPC costume group from this point on will be given to the players, but I will put forth the effort to do as many as possible.

Rumor has it that some of this shows up in I10.

Other topics include scabbards and quivers (not soon), new body types (nope, would have to port over all the costumes), long skirts (nope, too much clipping), I10 stuff (4 new costume sets done so far, 3 of them player-requested), and what he’d most like to put in (A chef costume set, an evil clown costume set, 1930’s robot costume set).


I10 – Rikti ahoy!

Yowzers!  We have seen the future, and it is content.

The skies over Paragon City are filled with dark grey thunderheads. It is the same in the Rogue Isles, Europe, and across the globe. Small ships dart through the heavy weather … and there are so very many of them.

The Rikti have returned.

Rikti World Invasion

Issue 10 begins with a World Event that spans across numerous zones in both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, as the Rikti return in devastating waves. They are armed with new, brutal weapons and seek to establish a beachhead on Earth, presumably to save their lost brethren and to finish what they started the first time … the destruction of Earth!

Rikti War Zone (Levels 35 – 50)

The site of the crashed Rikti mother ship has become a hot War Zone. Pylons of unknown purpose have appeared around the mother ship, and Rikti presence is extremely heavy. In an attempt to contain the Rikti from breaking out of the area or launching their ship, the government has cordoned off the zone, allowing only select agents access. Government officials have turned the region over to Vanguard, and given them the authority to recruit forces from across the world. This zone is open to both Heroes and Villains, in their combined, desperate struggle to hold the front lines against the second Rikti Invasion.

New Threats

Rikti Pylons are multi-purpose warning and attack devices that surround the crashed mother ship. It takes a concerted effort to take one of these pylons down, but once enough of these are destroyed, access to the ship may be granted. UXBs, “unexploded bombs” that arm, power up, and detonate if not stopped in time, provide a constant threat. Rikti destroyers zip through zones dropping troops, UXB’s, and Rikti Assault Suits.

New Inventions

The Vanguard base contains a special Vanguard Workbench that will allow for special costume pieces (tied to Rikti War Zone recipes). Vanguard Support Machines (“Heavies”) can be requisitioned using Special Salvage (unique to the War Zone). These Heavies function as powerful pets.

New Missions

The first missions in the Rikti War Zone are for characters level 35+. The characters meet a new contact, Levantera, who introduces them to the U.N. security force, Vanguard. They’ll also meet Borea, who sends them on several repeatable missions in the zone. From there, characters meet contact Serpent Drummer, Gaussian, and also talk to the Dark Watcher and learn one of the darkest secrets of Paragon City.

Rikti Co-op Task Force

The Rikti Co-Op Task Force is available for both Heroes and Villains. It is for 6 to 8 players, level 45 – 50. The mission is given out by Lady Grey, leader of the Vanguard. Co-operative missions create a new layer of depth and story as heroes and villains work toward a common goal.

This sounds pretty damned spiffy.

New patch notes

Once again demonstrating that even if you choose to ignore the whole invention system, it still has an impact because of all the attention being paid to it by the devs.



This version of the game contains mostly corrections, bug fixes and quality of life changes.  We are always concerned with keeping the game as bug free as possible.  We greatly appreciate the support of players who participate by helping to identify problems, either by playing new versions on the Training Room or submitting /bug reports.  Thanks and enjoy this update!


Set bonuses were not being granted correctly to players that were exemplared. A set bonus was being removed if a player exemplared below the level at which the set enhancements were slotted. This has been corrected. As of now, a set bonus will be lost while exemplared only if:

  1. The power the set is slotted into is no longer available to the exemplared character.
  2. The character exemplars below the level that the set enhancements can be slotted.  For example, the set bonus from a set of level 25 enhancements will be lost if the character exemplars to level 21 or below, even if the power is still available. The non-set bonuses of the enhancements still apply in this case.

Added the text “(Recipe)” to the description of Enhancement Recipes so players can tell if they are viewing the Recipe or an the actual Enhancement without having to look at the icon.

The following Invention Origin Sets have been changed:

  • Pulverizing Fisticuffs (Acc/Dam/End/Rech) – Accuracy % is now displayed.
  • Lethargic Repose (Acc/Sleep) – Enhance Accuracy was Schedule B, not Schedule A – Fixed.
  • Paralytic (Acc/Hold/Rech) – Enhance Hold was Schedule B, not Schedule A – Fixed
  • Neuronic Shutdown (Acc/Hold/Rech) – Enhance Hold was Schedule B, not Schedule A – Fixed
  • Ghost Widow’s Embrace (Acc/Hold/Rech) – Acc, Hold, & Rech are all on the same schedule of enhancement now
  • Razzle Dazzle (Acc/Stun/Rech) – Acc, Stun, & Rech are all on the same schedule of enhancement now.
  • Rope A Dope (Acc/Stun/Rech) – Acc, Stun, & Rech are all on the same schedule of enhancement now.
  • Stagger (Acc/Stun/Rech) – – Acc, Stun, & Rech are all on the same schedule of enhancement now.
  • Impervious Skin (+Mez Resist) – The Status Resistance enhancement was not stacking if slotted into multiple powers.  In other words, if you had 5 slotted, you still only got the benefit of 1 buff.  The same is true of Set Bonuses which give Status Resistance.  To fix this, all such effects now offer a smaller bonus than their previous value, but will stack up to 5 times
  • All IO enhancements with a ‘proc’ effect will now trigger properly on targets of Area of Effect powers.

For more information about Enhancement schedules and their different effectiveness rates, please visit the Knowledge Base.

Consignment Market

  • Oh for a Comma! Added commas to bid/sell UI (so 1000000 now displays as 1,000,000).
  • The Consignment market no longer worries about case sensitivity in the search feature.
  • Previously, it was possible to create a buy or sell order stack with a negative number, which could not be removed from your transaction inventory. This has been fixed, and existing negative stacks will be deleted. No actual inventory items will be gained or lost.


  • Choosing an SO off a choice table while exemplared should no longer result in random level SOs or no SO reward at all.
  • Sidekicked or Exemplared characters in the Invention tutorial should now properly receive their recipe and salvage when choosing it from the reward choice table.
  • Corrected an issue with the 3 hour timer on Task and Strike Force Mission recipe rewards. Previously, the reward choice would be available after 3 hours, but no reward would be granted unless 4 hours had passed.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed certain ‘impossible’ costumes. We also added more costume validation to check for them.


  • Howl emote has had its sound restored. After using it, players must do something else before playing it again.
  • Drum and Drumlow emote have been given new sounds.


  • Sound for Mek-Man non-combat pet will now fade off


  • Fixed bug that could cause ‘ghost items’ in base storage resulting in empty slots that would count as full slots.
  • Fixed a base crash that was caused by adding and removing a lot of stuff from base storage.


  • Changed the -Stealth Escort powers so they do not alert the AI. This should prevent Henchmen from attempting to attack your escortees.


  • Corrected an issue that could cause a crash to occur when trading between characters or adding/removing items from base storage.
  • Fixed a situation that could lead to a client crash

City Zones

  • Bloody Bay: Fixed hole in ground that allowed players to get under the world.
  • Recluse’s Victory: Rewards for defeating the same player will not be given more than once every 10 minutes.

User Interface

  • Added filter to hide recipes that require a recipe but the player does not own. This will alleviate the problem of having recipes show in list at the worktable. The recipe is now included in the ingredients list.
  • Modified store UI to display tooltips for enhancements.




Fixed a number of bugs related to IO set enhancements:

  • Blaster/Archery/Stunning Shot (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Blaster/Sonic Attack/Dreadful Wail (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Blaster/Sonic Attack/Dreadful Wail (Missing Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Blaster/Electricity Manipulation/Lightning Clap (Incorrect Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Blaster/Ice Manipulation/Chilblain (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Blaster/Ice Manipulation/Chilblain (Missing Assignment: Ranged Damage) Fixed
  • Blaster/Ice Manipulation/Freezing Touch (Incorrect Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Blaster/Ice Manipulation/Freezing Touch (Missing Assignment: Melee Damage) Fixed
  • Controller/Empathy/Resurrect (Incorrect Assignment: Healing) Fixed
  • Controller/Fire Control/Char (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Defender/Archery/Stunning Shot (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Defender/Radiation Blast/Atomic Blast (Incorrect Assignment: Holds) Fixed
  • Defender/Sonic Attack/Dreadful Wail (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Defender/Sonic Attack/Dreadful Wail (Missing Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Scrapper/Weapon Mastery/Caltrops (Missing Assignment: Slow Movement) Fixed
  • Scrapper/Weapon Mastery/Web Grenade (Incorrect Assignment: Slow Movement) Fixed
  • Warshade/Umbral Blast/Essence Drain (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed


  • Few minor tweaks for Invulnerability graphical effects. Created a new texture for the body glows and made the particle textures a bit more opaque with this change. The power should appear closer to the look of the original appearance.


  • Players can now choose a Synthetic Hamidon Enhancement when completing the Statesman’s TF


  • Changed the Numina taskforce max level requirement from 38 to 40

City Zones

  • Talos Island: Moved the Supergroup base teleporter to a better location.  [What?!  No more appearing in the middle of the bus shelter?  Awwwwww …]



Fixed a number of bugs related to IO set enhancements:

  • Brute/Fiery Aura/Healing Flames (Missing Assignment: Resist Damage) Fixed
  • Brute/Invulnerability/Dull Pain (Incorrect Assignment: Resist Damage) Fixed
  • Brute/Electrical Melee/Lightning Clap (Incorrect Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Brute/Fiery Melee/Breath of Fire (Incorrect Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Brute/Fiery Melee/Breath of Fire (Missing Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Brute/Fiery Melee/Cremate (Incorrect Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Brute/Fiery Melee/Cremate (Missing Assignment: Melee Damage) Fixed
  • Brute/Stone Melee/Fault (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Brute/Stone Melee/Hurl Boulder (Incorrect Assignment: Melee Damage) Fixed
  • Brute/Stone Melee/Hurl Boulder (Missing Assignment: Ranged Damage) Fixed
  • Brute/Super Strength/Knockout Blow (Missing Assignment: Holds) Fixed
  • Brute/Mace Mastery/Web Envelope (Incorrect Assignment: Slow Movement) Fixed
  • Brute/Soul Mastery/Soul Tentacles (Missing Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Corruptor/Cold Domination/Glacial Shield (Missing Assignment: Resist Damage) Fixed
  • Corruptor/Cold Domination/Ice Shield (Missing Assignment: Resist Damage) Fixed
  • Corruptor/Thermal Radiation/Power of the Phoenix (Missing Assignment: Stuns) Fixed
  • Corruptor/Thermal Radiation/Warmth (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Corruptor/Leviathan Mastery/Spirit Shark Jaws (Incorrect Assignment: Immobilize) Fixed
  • Corruptor/Leviathan Mastery/Spirit Shark Jaws (Missing Assignment: Holds) Fixed
  • Corruptor/Mace Mastery/Scorpion Shield (Incorrect Assignment: Resist Damage) Fixed
  • Dominator/Icy Assault/Chilling Embrace (Incorrect Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Dominator/Icy Assault/Ice Sword Circle (Incorrect Assignment: Slow Movement) Fixed
  • Dominator/Psionic Assault/Mind Probe (Incorrect Assignment: Slow Movement) Fixed
  • Dominator/Psionic Assault/Psionic Dart (Incorrect Assignment: Slow Movement) Fixed
  • Dominator/Psionic Assault/Psychic Shockwave (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Dominator/Psionic Assault/Psychic Shockwave (Missing Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Dominator/Thorny Assault/Ripper (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Dominator/Thorny Assault/Ripper (Missing Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Dominator/Thorny Assault/Thorntrops (Incorrect Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Dominator/Thorny Assault/Thorntrops (Missing Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Dominator/Gravity Control/Gravity Distortion (Missing Assignment: Slow Movement) Fixed
  • Dominator/Mind Control/Telekinesis (Incorrect Assignment: Holds) Fixed
  • Dominator/Plant Control/Carrion Creepers (Missing Assignment: Immobilize) Fixed
  • Dominator/Mace Mastery/Scorpion Shield (Incorrect Assignment: Resist Damage) Fixed
  • Dominator/Soul Mastery/Dark Obliteration (Incorrect Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Dominator/Soul Mastery/Dark Obliteration (Missing Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Dark Miasma/Dark Servant (Missing Assignment: Healing) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Dark Miasma/Dark Servant (Missing Assignment: Holds) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Dark Miasma/Dark/Servant (Missing Assignment: Immobilize) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Force Field/Personal Force Field (Incorrect Assignment: Resist Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Poison/Elixir of Life (Missing Assignment: Resist Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Poison/Noxious Gas (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Traps/Acid Mortar (Incorrect Assignment: Ranged Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Traps/Poison Trap (Incorrect Assignment: Sleep) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Trick Arrow/Ice Arrow (Incorrect Assignment: Ranged Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Trick Arrow/Ice Arrow (Missing Assignment: Slow Movement) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Robotics/Repair (Incorrect Assignment: Healing) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Leviathan Mastery/School of Sharks (Incorrect Assignment: Ranged Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Leviathan Mastery/School of Sharks (Missing Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Leviathan Mastery/Spirit Shark Jaws (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Leviathan Mastery/Spirit Shark Jaws (Missing Assignment: Ranged Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Mace Mastery/Scorpion Shield (Incorrect Assignment: Resist Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Mu Mastery/Static Discharge (Incorrect Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed
  • Mastermind/Mu Mastery/Static Discharge (Missing Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Stalker/Ninjitsu/Kuji-In Rin (Incorrect Assignment: Resist Damage) Fixed
  • Stalker/Ninjitsu/Kuji-In Sha (Missing Assignment: Resist Damage) Fixed
  • Stalker/Energy Melee/Stun (Missing Assignment: Melee Damage) Fixed
  • Stalker/Spines/Ripper (Incorrect Assignment: Targeted AoE Damage) Fixed
  • Stalker/Spines/Ripper (Missing Assignment: PBAoE Damage) Fixed


  • Fixed a bug in one of the particles used by the Brute version of Temporary Invulnerability that didn’t work right when the character was moving.

User Interface

  • Looking For Group: The Abyss now shows up in the dropdown when looking for players by zone.

Origin-al Sins

Interesting.  With I9 we got some tweaks (not previously publicized) in who drops what sorts of things.

Council, which used to drop mostly Mutation enhancements, now drop Tech.  (Positron says it’s because they used to use the old Fifth Council tables, and the FC were more into mutation experiments than the Council … if you ignore all the Warwolf and Vampyri stuff, I guess).

The Crey have gone from dropping mostly Natural to mostly Science.  Okay, that makes sense.

Evidently the drop tables got updated from the ground up with all the new Invention System drops.  The consensus on the boards, though, is that there’s no good standard villain dropping Mutation enhancements in the 30s — which, I guess, is also an encouragement for folks to get all into IOs and stuff (and perhaps a sign that the Fifth Column are, indeed, coming back in I10).


I9 Poll

I’m way behind in my forum stuff, having had house guests and then having gotten sick.  Check out the I9 Poll in the forums, if you haven’t already.

I am so much more impressed by the little QoL stuff than the whole economy setup, I cannot even give it words.  But the poll results indicate that forum readers (insert discussion of how representative of the general playing population) are ga-ga over inventions.  Ah, well.

New Powerset Poll!

 Not only are new powersets a-coming, but they’re polling as to what folks want.  They’re focusing on Tanker Primaries and Scrapper Secondaries.  These won’t be for I10, but for something beyond.

For the melee primaries (asterisks indicate tricky ones that might cause delays):

Which melee power set would you most like to see implemented in game? (May consider 2 choices to get the top two favorites over all.)

O Street Fighting
O Electric Hammer
O Energy Blade
O Psionic Weaponry
O Dual Blades
O Ball and Chain *
O Shield Fighting *

I’d have to go with Street Fighting.  Any of the others are okay, but either of limited comic archetypical nature (Ball & Chain?) or variants on existing stuff (Energy Blade).  I’d have to go with Psionic Weaponry.

For the defensive secondaries (Tankers and Scrappers):

Which melee defense power set would you most like to see implemented in game? (May consider 2 choices to get the top two favorites over all.)

O Density Control
O Force Field
O Willpower
O Vibration
O Growth *
O Shield Defense *

Wow, a toughie.  A lot would depend on how it was implemented — how is “Density Control” going to look and behave differently from “Invulnerability”?  Is “Force Field” bubbles, or Energy Aura?  How will Willpower differ from Regen?

I’d love to see Growth, though that sounds like a real game-breaker, technically.  Prolly, just for the visuals I’d expect, Force Field, too.

Note that the poll results are not going to be released — the devs won’t commit to anythying, they just want opinions.

You say po-tay-to …

It’s pronounced … Tay-los?  Yikes.

Evidently in the new I9 Inventions Tutorial video, the narrator pronounces Talos (as in the hero and, more importantly, the island named after him) as “Tay-los” — as opposed to “Tah-los” (like in “talon”) or even, for the Hungarians among you, “Tah-losh.”

After folks giggled over that on the boards … quoth Positron:

The video pronounces it right. I had to have Statesman (Jack) confirm it himself specifically for this vid.

And it don’t get much more definitive than Posi quoting States.

“Tay-los” — like “Pay-most.”  Weird.

On the other hand, I did like this comment from SuperSean:

Well I don’t know who did the voice, but it was close enough to sounding like it shoulda started with “Hi…I’m Troy McClure! You might remember me from other City of Heroes training videos such as ‘Go. Hunt. KillSkulz!’ and ‘How did I get in this blue cavern when I went in an office building?'”

The problem with customized power effects …

Quoth Back-Alley Brawler:

No, the colors for a lot of particles are ‘baked in’ to the particle’s texture. The FX scripts themselves are completely separate from animations. In fact there’s a lot of animations that are shared between different powers with entirely different FX.

Power customization has some pretty big hurdles to overcome.

1) Powers currently point to one animation and one set of FX scripts. There’s no way in the our engine at this time to have them reference a different animation or different FX without just changing it in the power definition (which changes it for everyone). This isn’t a small or insignificant change and without it we literally can’t even begin to do costumized FX or animation.

2) Colors in FX are often baked into the particle textures. Most of the time they’re not, they use a greyscale texture and tint the color with an RGB value, but there’s enough that do use a colored texture that it would require quite a bit of work to overhaul and set everything up for customization. We did test a more global system that could just shift the hue of the entire FX script around the color wheel, but it’s not a complete solution to the problem. Namely that FX aren’t normalized to a common color, there’s no way to dynamically change this ‘shift’ value, and there’s still issues with blend modes.

3) Particle FX most often use an additive blend mode. Additive means that the closer a color is to white (in RBG values), the more opaque it becomes. Secondaries like yellow (255, 255, 0) are more opaque than primaries like red (255, 0, 0). Black (0, 0 ,0) ends up being completely transparent. So to take the Energy Melee FX for example and make a black version or even a dark purple (64, 0, 64) or dark blue (0, 0, 64), we’d have to do more than just shift the RGB values around.

4) Even if the system could accept more than one animation or more than one FX script for a power, we don’t have an in game system for allowing the player to choose this themselves. We could make one (probably based off of the costume editor in some way) but it’s still another chunk of time to devote to this.

Those are the major issues that I can think of right now, there’s other minor little issues here and there but it all adds up to a tremendous amount of dedicated work from multiple departments to pull it off.

As opposed to, say, the Invention System.

Which do you think people would appreciate and use more?

Considering the Invention System

So over the past week-plus, I’ve been playing with the whole Invention thang.  I’ve hung out at Wentworths, I’ve juggled salvage and recipes and so forth.  I’ve done it at with my 49 and with my 15 and in-between.

Some conclusions:

  1. If it’s not the sort of thing you care for, then, Costume Bits aside, you can pretty much ignore it.  Skip all the crafting and just sell the recipes and salvage to your contacts.  Think of it as quick money.  Are you getting the faboo prices you might otherwise?  No (though simple recipes tend to sell for higher prices at contacts than on the market), but you can at least get some “free money” and use it to buy DOs and SOs early.
  2. If you’re interested in gaming the system a bit more, you can also just play in Wentworths selling stuff.  Only non-Invention recipes seem to be worthwhile, and rare salvage.  Everything else is easier (and often more profitable) to sell at contacts.  That said, you can easily score some Very Big Bucks very quickly, albeit with a bit of thumbing through the auction history.  (It’s best in this sitch to end and begin your sessions in Wentworths so you can put the swag up for bid and then see if any sold when you come back on).
  3. Part of the savings, though, are an offset for the changes of your not getting any DOs or TOs “after your time.”  That’s actually a nice convenience, but it does (for those who compulsively try to sell everything they get their mitts on) mean a few less bucks in the influence bin.
  4. Note that Inventions (outside of Sets) are basically TOs and DOs and SOs that never age.  That means that, effectively, they’re good for about 10-15 levels, which is nothing to sneeze at.  You will, eventually, want to trade up to the next “drop” style enhancement.
  5. If you decide go whole hog and buy sets and all that kinda stuff — well, you can.  If you play the market, you can actually earn enough shekels over time to get the stuff you want — even, I suppose, costume stuff, eventually.  Having now played with it, I find all the dueling IO stuff (“do I go with this Set or that Set on this power”) to be a Character Customization Too Far, but different strokes an all that.
  6. Note that, at some point, ED does kick in.  Getting a Lvl 50 Damage IO when you already have three Lvl 50 Damage SOs on a power really doesn’t buy you much.
  7. Note that the Sets you get are visible in your Personal Info window.  In case you’re afraid that the name is not properly evocative of your character’s origin or MO.
  8. An oddity of the new system is that the Devs are providing more (gasp!) numbers.  As in precise percentages.  We’d had that previously on the boards, but we can now see exactly what different TOs, DOs, SOs, and IOs are doing as percentage boosts.
  9. While I’ve bitched long and hard over the whole IO process and how it plays out in RP terms, it’s not that much different (aside from the labor involved) than the silliness that is the Enhancement system itself.  I mean — when’s the last time your favorite science-based hero (let’s say, Spider-Man) went and got himself a Boron Injection so he could hit harder?

Possible improvements (aside from stuff I’ve already bitched about):

  1. Tracking salvage is, at this point, way too freaking difficult.  Either personal salvage display needs to also indicate what one has in the Vault and/or in Consignment, or something needs to be able to call that up.  Trying to remember (without running around all over the place) whether I have a Rosicrucian Thingummie is a serious pain.  Better yet, screw the whole encumbrance routine and just give folks an unlimited salvage and recipe capability (and enhancements, too, whilst at it) — I mean, what real-life thing is all that supposed to realistically represent?
  2. The artificial separation of Vault, Consignment Houses, and Universities (and the dearth of them being all in one place except, in CoH, in Steel Canyon) is another serious pain.  Really.  Even in Steel I end up doing excessive flitting about.  I want workbenches in Wentworths, vault access at the school, etc.
  3. I want an overall integrated screen system, not unlike (though with more detail) the Manage window for powers.  I want to see recipes, salvage, and all that spiffy inventory windows that aren’t part of the craptacular window UI of CoX, where the scroll buttons are difficult to grab and paging up/down is a PitA.

I still think this was all an unnecessary complication and a huge, massive time sink for the dev team that could have gone into developing more zones, more ATs, more power sets, rather than catering to a minority population within the game (cf. PvP).    Since it’s there, there’s no point in not making some use of it, at least to earn money, but I remain irked by what might have been rather than this.


The Most Annoying Interface Glitch in CoX …

… is, without a doubt, the fact that the servers are never shown in the same order twice. 

The most recently picked server shows up at the top of the server list, but everything else is, as far as I can tell, randomly shuffled.  If you are an alt-maniac (or even of you’re not, if you have folks on more than one server), it’s a real PitA.

So my QoL suggestion would be:

  1. Keep the servers in a consistent order.
  2. Have highlighted the server most recently used.
  3. Allow some sort of mouse-over on a server to show a quick list of the toons currently kept there.

Trivial to do, I’d think.  And it would make things a lot nicer.

Then we can work on having to re-login after exiting with a hero …

Patch Notes du Jour

As of this morning.  Notihng spectacular.


  • Player AT’s damage resistance was not ‘capped’ vs. the Hamidon’s special damage type. As a result, players could completely eliminate incoming damage from Hamidon via Essence of the Earth inspirations, which is not the intended behavior. Resistance to this damage type now has the standard maximum values as determined by archetype.
  • “Chance to _____” Invention Enhancements will now work with Area of Effect powers.
  • The animation for Dominate (shared by many other powers as well) while flying will now play all the way through and not be interrupted by the flying combat ready animation.


  • Characters have a Recipe inventory of 8 at level 10 now, instead of 4.
  • Fixed mismatches between IO names and description text.
  • Invention: Defense Buff (Lvl 30-40) used Silver. Silver was too high, now uses Alchemical Silver.
  • Kismet.+6% Acc (Lvl 26-40) used Psionicly Charged Brass. Psionicly Charged Brass was too low, now uses Black Blood of the Earth.
  • Added Defense modifier to Gift of the Ancients: Increased Run Speed
  • Added Defense modifier to Luck of the Gambler: Increased Recharge Rate
  • Modified Accuracy Set Bonuses — They now modify the Accuracy of all of a player’s powers, instead of modifying the player’s base To Hit value.
  • Slightly increased the Set Bonus values given to the Red Fortune set.
  • Red Fortune no longer offers a Confuse Duration increase as a Set Bonus. It has been replaces with Fire/Cold damage resistance.
  • Luck of the Gambler: +7.5% Recharge set enhancement was giving a double bonus the first time it was slotted. Now fixed.
  • Induced Coma and Pacing of the Turtle chance to reduce attack rate IO enhancements should now work more reliably.
  • Energy Transfer no longer says it accepts Stun IO sets — it never could accept them, this is cleaning up a text error.
  • Added recipe information to salvage info window [[That could be helpful.]]


  • Fixed Bosses and Archvillains so they drop Large Inspirations once again.  [[Yay!]]
  • Task Forces now give you a choice table at the end allowing you to choose an SO Enhancement if you do not qualify for the Recipe reward.


  • Fixed typo in Committed badge title.
  • Swapped names of the Invention badges: Colonel and Lt. Colonel (they were transposed).

City Zones

  • Fixed a hole in Siren’s Call that allowed players to teleport under the zone.


  • /emote howl has been silenced.  [[Awwwwww … Runt will be disappointed!]]
  • Trainers now display any changes to a player’s inventory sizes when they level up.  [[Nice.]]

Consignment Markets

  • if getting a stack from the auction house would fill your inventory, items will be added to your inventory until it is filled up and whatever is left will remain in the stack. Previously, such transfers simply failed.


City Zones

  • Added ‘The Abyss’ to Rogue Isles City Map
  • Fixed a hole in Mercy Isle that caused players to get stuck.

All your desired costume parts are belong to us

Costume items, to date, have been to date of six sorts:

  1. Stuff that’s there in the costume builder from the get-go.
  2. Stuff that requires a specific, mission (e.g., the cape mission) to unlock.  (Arguably, this applies to recostumiing missions for Icon et al.) 
  3. As #2, but event-related (Winter and Valentires costume pieces).
  4. Feature items with box sets (e.g., helmets via buying the CoV box set).
  5. Vet Rewards.

One of CoX’s greatest strengths has been its character creator and costuming.  It’s constantly under expansion, and many folks are drawn to the game just for it.  Requests for a stand-alone costumer are regularly received by the devs, and a lot of people roll up alts just to try out a new visual concept.

Note that most of the above items are available to anyone in the game, at least after a certain period of play. Options 3-4 aren’t, but the number of pieces involved, and their “hotness,” is pretty liimited.  Having the toga is nice if you want a togaed character, but I haven’t heard too much wailing over that.

I9 introduces a new class of costume item:

6.  Costume inventions.

Now, we’ll leave alone the idea of “inventions” for developing costume pieces.  (“You mean I can get all this spiffy power armor stuff just for free, but if I want fairy wings vs bat wings I need to ‘invent’ something?”)  The changed dynamic here is that in order to get the stuff, you need …

a.  To find an invention recipe.
b.  To buy an invention recipe.
c.  To find or buy the underlying ingredients for the recipe.

Simply playing the game isn’t enough.  Especially when these costume pieces — and I’m talking wing types here — are considered premium bits, by design.  Quoth Positron:

I looked at the dataminer today at the costume drop rate and it IS lower than we anticipated.

We are looking into making some changes, but do not expect anything radical or quick.

We DO want costume recipes to be “commodities” that players actively seek and pay top inf. for, but we do not want them to be so rare that players can’t get them, ever, in the course of their play.

If you don’t have “top influence” or aren’t a high enough level to get it, you are SOL.  If you don’t want to be a day-trader at Wentworths (“Where CoX meets eBay with 1985-style computer interfaces!”), you are SOL.  If you want to play a fairy character or a draconic character or a winged robot or whatever, and you’re not a “playah,” you’re SOL.

That just strikes me as a horrible strategic decision on the devs’ part.  If costuming is such a big part of the game, then leveraging that to taunt folks into the invention system is manipulative at best, and for those who don’t want to dive into its clutches, a shut-out at worst.  It’s like going to Disneyland, getting your entrance pass, but being told that some rides can only be ridden if you pay a lot extra, or find a random FastPass ticket for them.  It stops being about fun and starts being about commerce.

Bad idea.

CoX Trivia

Trivia questions from the 3rd Anniversary Trivia Contest:

  1. Ms. Liberty is what relation to Statesman?
  2. What is the name of the FIRST Anniversary badge for City of Heroes?
  3. What is the name for the ORIGINAL contact at the end of the Heroes tutorial, which has since been replaced with Coyotee?
  4. What Issue introduced Badges?
  5. What is Lord Recluse’s real name?
  6. What badge is available for defeating the ghost of Scrapyard?
  7. What temporary power does Mr. Bocor give you?
  8. Who is the leader of the Sky Raiders?
  9. What is the true source of all the power in the Rogue Isles?

Answers below the fold.

Continue reading “CoX Trivia”

I9 fo the wandered-off masses

Quoth Lighthouse:

 As part of the marketing promotion behind the launch of Issue 9, inactive accounts over so old (90 days I think, but don’t hold me to that) will be reactivated through this weekend. E-mails and announcements about this will be going out shortly.

So if you still have it on your machine (and want to invest in the download), come on back and play.

I9 Sneak Peak

Beta release of Patch Notes for I9.  I’m going to ignore all the stuff that’s already been publicized — the Invention System, plus the Hammy revamp.  Some other cool bits:

Statesman’s Task Force

Marcus Cole (Statesman) himself now stands aboard a Freedom Corps ship in Independence Port. If you have 8 level 45 to 50 Heroes, you can start the Statesman Task Force and undertake a mission that is of vital importance to the fate of the entire planet. 

  • Your reward for this can be either a Synthetic Hamidon Enhancement (courtesy of Positron) or a random rare Recipe for use in the Invention system.
  •  Each of these rewards can be given out only once every 24 hours.

Looking forward to trying this, assuming we can wrassle up 8 players still …

Enhancement drop rates have changed and been decreased as you level up. Players at higher levels will no longer receive enhancements that are of no use to a character at that level. Following is the composition of Enhancement drops by level:

o 1 to 12 100% Training Origin Enhancements
o 13 to 21 50% Training, 50% Dual Origin
o 22 to 31 50% Dual Origin, 50% Single Origin
o 32 to 40 25% Dual Origin, 75% Single Origin
o 41 to 50 100% Single Origin

• You should still receive optimal enhancement drops at near, or sometimes faster than the rate you received them in previously.

o For example, if, at level 45, you previously got an SO 25% of the time you got an enhancement drop, you now should receive enhancements 75% less often, but they will be an SO 100% of the time.

Cool.  Less deletion of TOs and DOs.

When the game gives you a reward it will check your free inventory slots and not allow you to choose something if that inventory is full. For example, if you wanted an Enhancement, but your 10 enhancement inventory slots were already full, you would be notified that that inventory is full, and you can not select that reward. Deleting something to free up space will immediately refresh the reward window and allow you to make the choice.

Also a good thing.

• King’s Row :
o King’s Row now has Superpowered Field Trainers (NPC Stores)

• Green Line Tram :
o The Green line now runs to Skyway City and Founders’ Falls

• Peregrine Island
o The zone now has a Trainer: Castle.

When Margie pointed out the trainer in KR during the closed Beta, I made little happy noises.

Extending the Green Line to FF and Skyway (down by Faultline) is a nice add.

And adding a trainer to PI just makes freaking sense.

New emotes are always good:

Emote Binoculars
Emote Camera
Emote Cellphone
Emote Clipboard
Emote Crouch
Emote Drum
Emote DrumLow
Emote Fishing
Emote FlippingCoin
Emote FloatBooks
Emote Howl
Emote Talk
Emote Waiting
Emote Wounded

Custom Flying Animation Emotes. (These will only interrupt the flying forward animations)
Emote FlyPose1
Emote FlyPose2
Emote FlyPose3
Emote FlyPose4

And, last but not least (and not least overdue):

The Trade Interface now allows for much larger amounts.

It’s the little things that count.


New respec a-coming with the 3rd Anniversary of CoH.

We wanted to let players know that, as part of our celebration of the 3rd year anniversary of City of Heroes, we will be applying a free respec to all characters. So, if you have been wanting to change your powers around a little bit, switch up your power slotting or make other changes, this will be a good time to do it!

[…] The actual timing of when the respec is applied is likely to be shortly after the actual Anniversary on April 28th. We will post here with specific dates when they are available.

To be honest, I’ve been at it long enough that I have so many Vet Award respecs that … well … not terribly meaningful.

But it beats the heck out of not having a respec when desired.