CO: State of the Game at the Opening Bell

Bill Roper (Chrononaut) speaks on Champions Online on opening day (and beyond):

In reaction to concerns that things are “too easy” …

We reduced the effectiveness of Slotted Passive Defense powers, Active Defense powers, and Defense from upgrades. The total bonus of all combined defenses was reduced from a 75% net defense bonus to a 66% net bonus. The biggest change was made within the Passive Defense powers which our players noted were far too effective and trivialized the threat form Henchmen level enemies.

Well … I have still been dying. Though only when seriously ganged up on. Though that’s not difficult to happen when traveling through a Crisis zone.

We increased “non-shtick” enemy damage to compensate for AI / animation delays. This particularly affects Henchmen who did not attack at the expected rate on which other areas of combat effectiveness are balanced. The change represents a 25% increase in this type of damage.

We also increased “shtick-based” damage for Super Villain class enemies and above. They were incorrectly using the Master Villain class damage tables, making our most difficult enemies much weaker than intended.

Lower defense against more damage. Well, at least we can stock up on healing potions …

Finally, we have removed the consumable items that were giving a straight 33% increase to Health and Energy from vendors. These were artifacts of the beta test that were accidentally not removed from the live version of the game.

Yikes! Well, no, not a huge problem, I don’t think. We’ll see (esp. in context of soloing).

We’ve fixing a data bug where players incorrectly received 75% of an enemy’s experience amount no matter the disparity in level. More than a difference of 4 levels now gains the player no experience.

Oh, and less XP. 🙂

The top speed of travel power speeds has been reduced by 15% as part of how we’re addressing reported frame-rate issues because heroes are simply traveling faster than the server can update their position.

That’s unfortunate.

We found and fixed an error in the overall drop-rate tables that drastically reduced the number of upgrades coming from defeated enemies. This change increases the number of upgrades that drop from enemies in the approximately four-fold.

Woot! More loot!

Retcon cost has been lowered across the board, making alterations in your character’s powers and advantages much simpler to accomplish.

I haven’t done a lot of retconning, obviously, but I like that it’s cheaper. Having expensive or difficult retcons/respecs has always struck me as punishing the player for lack of in-game knowledge.

There’s other stuff mentioned, too, but I’ve included the items I was most interested in.

CoX: I16 Power Customization video

I watched Margie testing out the I16 power customization process, and it’s really very nice, as this new video shows:


What’s nice is also being able to see yourself casting the power, and what the power motions really look like. The color combos (and the ability to crank it all down to very dim on some powers) are all well-done.

In its own way, the color customization here is better than that in CO, which generally just has one color to slide around with (and doesn’t include black or white on it). On the other hand, CO doesn’t confine you to a single power set, and it has the Power Room to actually see (kinda sorta) what the powers do. So both platforms have some advantages.

CO: Bill Roper interview

Post-Open Beta, with Ten Ton Hammer:

On tweaking the XP curve.

You do have to really kick over hard in one direction. That’s what we recently did with experience. We knew that players are grossly outstripping content, to the point where players were able to basically skip entire zones, so it was really broken. We decided to swing hard in the other direction so it’s like now there isn’t enough content for levels, so we really made a big adjustment but we could tell we were close. From there we know we can go back in the other direction and ease off of those changes.

The goal is so that players are definitely above the par. We like people being above the curve so it’s not like you have to complete every shred of mission content to be able to hit level cap. It’s OK if somebody skips missions or doesn’t find some of the discovery missions and things like that – they should still be able to level without having to grind.

I noticed the change, but didn’t feel particular one way or the other.

And a note I hadn’t realized about a particularly annoying foe during the big event at the end of Open Beta.

We’re running our end of beta event – that’s actually running until about 5PM today – where we’ve got some giant Mega-Destroids cruising around Millennium City. We even have what we call Dev Suits, so if you see something that’s called a Cryptonaut that’s actually one of us. So it’s been pretty fun. I think players really like kicking down the devs.

Yeah, Cryptonaut(s) was really obnoxious — and fast and hard to draw a bead on. I think we got a couple of them down at times, between Mega-Destroid spawns. Though Margie (as Runt) had a few problems at one point.

On the upcoming event:

We’ve already got an event planned for the end of October…

Ten Ton Hammer: Would that be the mysterious “Blood Moon” I just saw mentioned…

Bill Roper: In my latest state of the game discussion? *laughter* Yea, I did put that in there. We’ll be putting something official up on the site about that hopefully by launch. One of the things we really want to be able to do is communicate to players, so even if they get the game on day one they’ll already know we’re working on the next content that they’ll be getting. I think that’s a really important thing to put out there. I know that as a player of MMOs I like knowing not only that devs are working on something, but that they’re working on something they can tell me about.

So we’ve been getting some concept assets over to the marketing team so they can put together some pages that can get put up hopefully by the time the game goes live on the 1st. And that will talk about the Blood Moon event and what players are going to be getting. So that will be the first big free update that we do.


And the sort of answer I was hoping to hear about Crafting:

I don’t know that I’d necessarily say that it’s essential. You certainly could go through the entire game without crafting or getting an item that was crafted, but I think the way crafting helps the most and can become an essential component is if you’re doing really interesting hybrid builds. All the crafting schools have different stats they focus on, so at the high end they tend to focus on a trio of stats. So you’ll find high end items that care about three different stats predominantly.

The reason I bring that up is that when you really get into some more advanced mechanics of character building, you’ll notice that at the basic level there two main stats that each power set cares about which you can then take a look at when you start mixing and matching. For example I made a character that was a mix of Might and Darkness. Might cares about Strength and Constitution, and Darkness cares about Constitution and Endurance. So by mixing the two I end up with three main stats that I’ll care about, and crafting is the place where I’ll have the best chance of getting items that focus on all three.

I could more than likely find some random, algorithmically generated items that could fall off of an enemy, but with crafting I can pick a school or specialization that specifically cares about those three stats. So if I’m getting into that advanced gameplay of creating characters focused on certain stats or characteristics, crafting is the best place to go to specifically get items that cover that end of things.

[…] Overall I think crafting is not a requirement, but it’s cool to do and you can make some really specialized stuff. I think that for players that get more into the mechanics of the system that can become something that will really augment their character well.

So it’s a benefit, but not critical. Good to know.

As to putting off crafting until later, some more interesting comments.

There are two ways that you’re gaining skill points in crafting. One of the ways – if you want to use sort of a generic MMO term – is by finding resource nodes. In other words there are things you can find out in the world to investigate, but you gain the vast majority of skill points by deconstructing items.

The way our crafting system is designed, there is Research and Development. Research is actually taking things apart and looking at what they’re made of. With most fantasy MMO crafting you’re making a mountain of short swords before you can go up to the next level to make cutlasses or whatever. We wanted to make it so that the vast majority of your points come from tearing things apart to see how it works, so that you’re learning from the way it was constructed.

Which makes in-game sense.

We do a double duty with that, where if you have an item upgrade that can be taken apart, when you deconstruct those to do development you not only gain points from that in terms of learning how it was made but it will also give you the component parts that you can then use to make other items. You do get a little bit of skill from making things, but the system is definitely not designed to focus on that as the way you’ll be gaining levels.

So as a high level player, any items that are dropping for me are going to be a lot faster for me to skill up on, or I can always go to the marketplace and buy a bunch of cheap items from other players to deconstruct. Or it would also be really easy for me to fly, Superspeed or Superjump around the lower level zones and get resources.

Having done a lot of crafting in other MMOs, I find it’s not – I don’t know if “grindy” is the right term – but I don’t have to do a ton of travel. Using WoW as an example, if I decide to take mining I’ve got to go and start looking for copper in the newbie zones even if I’m level 50. That was the only thing that frustrated me actually about making a Death Knight. I wanted to start crafting but I realized I’d either have to buy all the stuff or I’d have to go and find all of it. So for something like herbalism you have to go find wild flowers and pick them to gain levels, and you really can’t do anything else to achieve that. It was like, “I’m starting at level 65, I can’t believe I have to do this” you know?

[…] The cool thing with our system is the fact that you’re basically just deconstructing stuff that’s really simple to go out and get. So I think it’s a really nice system; it’s definitely very different. You can make specific items, or you can even make algorithmically generated items where you’re basically deciding on certain parameters and telling the system that you want it to care about three specific things and it can make you a random item. Then there are also blueprints for exact items that you can get

Also good to know. Running around and farming equipment/materials is not my idea of a good time. What I’ve seen of the Crafting system thus far make it seem like I can spend as much or little time as I’m interested in it.

CO: More Social Gaming stuff

So I posted the previous message and realized immediately I’d forgotten about the Twitter connection, which I’ve seen only through a lot of awkward and overzealous tweets that Rey’s account generated while he was playing with this …

This thread is the main discussion of the social tools CO has built in, from the perspective of in-game play.

To start using this system, enter /socialmedia. From this screen you can control the operation of the social media tools. Use the settings button to enroll (or un-enroll) from each service. By default, all available activity types for each service are enabled once enrolled. Uncheck any of the boxes to disable that activity type for that service.

The Status activity type is initiated by the command “/social_status Your status here”. The plan is for this to be integrated into the status box in the chat context menu, but for now the command will work.

The Screenshot activity type is initiated by the commands “/social_screenshot <optional title here>” and “/social_screenshot_ui <optional title here>”.

The Blog activity type is initiated ‘/social_blog “Title” “Body”‘.

The Level Up activity type is initiated on natural level ups (meaning those from normal XP gains, not sidekicking). For Twitter and Facebook it will post items every 5 levels. For Raptr awards will be posted for every level.

The Perk activity type is initiated by completing a rank 3 or 4 perk (those worth more then 25 points).

The Item activity type is initiated by receiving a purple item.

The Supergroup activity type is initiated by creating, joining, or leaving a supergroup (including being kicked). The posted message with include the character and supergroup name.

Presumably this will, in fact, all fall into the UI much more cleanly soon, but … okay, it sounds like (I’m not sitting where I can play with it at the moment) you have (A) activities — blogging, perks, screenshots, items, SGs, leveling, status changes — and (B) services — Twitter, Facebook, and Raptr are mentioned. You can also (further in the thread) tune this to which toons get statused (though you have to control/restrict it for each toon).

I keep thinking there is the potential for some coolness here. There’s also the potential for some serious spewing of unwanted status onto these fora. Hmmm. 

I’ve toyed with the idea of getting a separate Twitter channel for gaming stuff. That could then get auto-updates from this Blog and consolidated Tweets from what (very limited) CO Twitter output I would do (I can imagine doing the Levels, and maybe the Perks — mostly as a journaling exercise — though being able to link to Screenshots would be kind of cool!). I will have to ponder that.


CO: Early Start and Social Gaming

Despite battling to find time around a good friend’s visit, we managed to play a fair amount during Early Start Weekend. We both got some alts generated (I went a bit crazy with that, of course) and pushed up through the Tutorial.

We also got Zebra (Martial Arts) and Finneas (Dark) up to Lvl 12, and finished up with the second half of the Crisis in the Desert work, winging our way back to Millennium City to park.

In retrospect, we kind of blew it — we should have hopped over to Millennium City a lot earlier and dealt with the Qularr event stuff going on there, since I now recall there were Unique Prizes and Stuff that will Never Be Available Again. Oh, well. I think Margie was telling me about that, and I completely spaced.)

I did make some moderate use of the Bug feature. I like that it lets you search for terms first, identify already-reported bugs, and flag that you have that problem, too. It helps consolidate bug reporting for the support team, and lets you know that “you are not alone.” That said, it would be nice if when a bug gets closed, that everyone who reported it gets a ping.

Overall, I remain pleased with the game. There are a few interface issues that Margie and I have chatted about, though no showstoppers (and they are matched by some nice features that I already take for granted). I do think the early mission tree is going to be something of a pain — it’s not just the initial Qularr invasion tutorial, but also the initial Crisis in the Desert / Crisis in Canada mission sets. That’s a lot of repetition before you get to a broader range of play options (continue where you are in various adventure trees, return to MC, or head off to the other crisis locale). Regular players with lots of alts (ahem) are going to find it something of a grind.


From a social standpoint, I got some Friends added to my list (with invites out for a few others). Interestingly, Cryptic’s trying to make the main web page for CO, when signed in, a social hub — you can see your friends and their status, you can go into “Cryptic Space” and blog, you can look at “My Characters” and see your characters in summary and detail. You can even blog as your characters.

That said, it’s not very robust or ready for prime time as of yet. “My Characters” shows serious lag in updates (it doesn’t yet show two characters I built Saturday, and the mission list is similarly behind for characters that were in place then). It’s also unclear how to share the character list with others (or how others might see your character’s blog). I can infer it from the URLs, but I have no idea if these show up for everyone — e.g., a character stream for Zebra (which seems to include all blog entries), or my User Profile, etc.

I’m sure it’s all going to get fleshed out, or at least I hope it is. There’s a lot of opportunity for socializing the game through the website, and not having it as polished as possible at launch would be a serious error.

CoX: Power Customization

Margie’s playing around with this in Beta. There’s a full screen in the character creator where you can control the colors of the various powers — by power, by power set, or for all your powers.

Many of the powers, though, in addition to the power color itself, you can create a bright or dark option — or, in some cases, turn off the effect entirely.

So no more Regen Scrappers running around with green starbursts in their chests. They can be running around with no effect, or something much more subtle. Tired of your duo partner’s ice armor buffs making your costume impossible to see? Voila, the ice effect is much more subtle. And, maybe (not yet tested) you can do Invuln characters that are not all Dark or Shiny.

You can also save configurations for the Primary, Secondary, or all power sets, so you can play with effects between characters still better.

Oh, and while there are still name-per-server limits, there’s now a Check Name button on the ID card screen, and you can hop there first, just to try names out.


CoX: Popping back over to CoX for a few

Haven’t run CoX since CO went into open beta. So some initial and unofficial re-reactions:

  • The graphics are definitely more realistic, in terms of shading and gradation and all that. But, by the same token, they don’t have the same integrity as CO’s more cartoony figures. IMO.
  • What level am I? Oh, wait, I have to to Menu / Personal ID to find out. Why?
  • I am reminded once again how badly the Wentworths / Invention / Crafting interface sucks. Not that CO’s is better, but … damn.
  • Why do I have to wait 30 seconds to logout a character? I mean, really?
  • Wow. Look how many characters have names that I had to append something to in order to have them be unique. Ms. Crackle. Lady Zebra. 
  • I do like that I can “run” at a decent, scalable speed without a travel power on.

I did enjoy firing up the old characters. Except that, y’know, nobody was on, even on Freedom and Virtue. Everyone’s over on the Open Beta, I guess.

In fact, Margie’s playing in the Open Beta at the moment. And the character creator enhancements (and power customization screen) are all pretty cool. At least until they crash your machine.

CoX: I16 Open Beta


Oh, it’s for CoX. That’s okay then.

(I won’t actually be doing the open beta for I16 because, well, I think downloading a separate version of the software to test stuff when there’s a perfectly usable I15 sitting there for play with characters that will actually advance from my investment in time is silly. But I couldn’t resist.)

CO: Almost Final Beta Thoughts

I like Champions Online.

Not unreservedly, mind you. There are plenty of places where it is still rough, still “1.0.” My comparison is with CoX, of course, and I’ve been playing that over five years, since Issue 3. When I compare CO to that, and to rumors of what CoX was like at release, I think it fits most favorably.


CO reminds me a lot (to change point of reference) to LotRO, in terms of the graphics and the feel — except that here I feel (super-)heroic.

One point of contention on CO is the graphics, and the “cartoon” look. I like it. Margie doesn’t.

I think we both got a sense of the “console” feel of the game which folks had written of. It’s hard to pin down — just a sense that the controls have been designed around a more limited keyset. I don’t find it that jarring, and it’s no so much different from a “keyboard” feel as to cause me any particular difficulties. It’s occasionally inconvenient, but not dramatically so.

I like that there’s no AFK timeout. We both like that when you exit, you don’t go through a 30 second cool-off before it takes. Margie (and I agree) dislikes the CO “interacting” for elevators.

The proximation algorithms and mechanisms for choosing between the various things you can do standing at point X (Talk to Fred, Lift that Crate, Visit the Arms Table) are awkward. Double-clicking on something actually sometimes chooses whatever is highlighted or at the top of the list, not what you clicked on.

I miss being able to level pact. Again, as a console game, there’s not a strong sense of people playing duos that would LP. Of course, CoX only recently got that feature (and it’s still limited to new characters), so it’s hard to bitch too much.

The crafting setup is irksome. It makes a bit more sense than some I’ve seen, either the doubletalk abstractions of CoX or the folk magical industry of LotRO, but it’s still just an annoying thing to have to do. And, at least for some stuff, you sort of have to do it. (Certainly the second string of missions forces you through it, though apparently there are gadgets in the final mission — Desert side, at least — that will take care of it if you haven’t been crafting what you’ve been told you have to craft).

I’m sure there are people who will just love piecing together bits and bobs and blueprints and different foci and schools and emphases and all to make (or deconstruct, for that matter) crafted widgets. I am not one of those people.

At least, though, inventory hasn’t been a problem. So far.

Margie isn’t happy with the HUD/interface, feeling that it feels more obtrusive than in CoX. I disagree, but I do agree that the chat window is nearly useless.

While there is (Praise the Maker) a way to see what level you are at, there is no easy way to tell if you need to go and train up (i.e., you have leveled).

One serious weakness to the game starting out is that while it provides a lot of numbers, it doesn’t do a good job of explaining them. There’s a lot of info thrown at players in the first several levels, but when it’s time to go into the Power House (a great concept) to level up, there’s a tremendous amount of guesswork and shrugwork going on. Take upgrade X that gives a 20% chance of some unexplained effect occuring? Take another level of the power? There’s some great possibilities here, but without explaining in plain English what it means (with numbers to follow for those who understand the shorthand), it’s a frustration of “OMG, did I choose the wrong thing?” That’s less of a concern in Beta, but it will be moreso in the future (though respecs are not wildly difficult).

It feels more difficult to defeat foes. Even moreso solo. In some instanced missions we’ve run both solo and duo, there’s not a lot of apparent scaling going on.

I miss the character selection screen not telling me where they are (thought it does, like the main HUD, tell me what level they are!). I also miss not being able to rotate the characters.

The mission play is more episodic, at least through level 8. In other words, you are in a setting, and there are missions around that setting. Again, that reminds me of LotRO, and less of CoX (where you are In The City). On the one hand, that provides a real feeling of depth and interest and difference over time. On the other hand, there’s a whiff of railroading, a resemblance to FPS games, and (so far) less feel for what life is like in Millennium (vs. Paragon) City.

And maybe (from the limited perspective I have, only having gotten up to lvl 8 with any characters) that’s the most significant difference between CoX and CO. With the former, I’m exploring the city, doing good, pursuing different arcs, but generally acting independently. (CoV introduced some destiny sorts of stuff, but we’ll disregard that for the moment). In the latter, we’re on a series of adventures around the world. It’s a much larger palette, but it also feels more like (as I said) a FPS game, going through scenarios.

Margie misses Superjump being something you can just hold the keys down for, rather than having to jump each jump. On the other hand CPO Sarah loves her flying disc. Acrobats is a freaking blast. And even Super-Speed isn’t very annoying. I like the way they’ve dealt with in-combat vs. out-of-combat travel powers.

Bottom line: I think we’re going to subscribe, probably for a 6 month block. I don’t quite feel the confidence to do a Lifetime sub (even if it gives me eight more precious character slots), but I can see this as a game I can enjoy for a while. And one I can enjoy while still playing CoX, too.

CO: New Patch

Always interesting to see what’s being fixed in Beta … (My notes in italics.)



  • Fixed flickering of logo splash screen. — I’d noticed this before. Glad it’s being fixed.
  • Fixed not being able to throw objects while in range of another type of interaction. — Esp. since it’s so easy to inadvertently pick up an object instead of interact with a contact. Glad this is being fixed.
  • Fixed ability to hue shift some powers.
  • Destroids was mis-typed in several places as Desdroids. This has been fixed.

User Interface and Chat

  • Added long descriptions to the tooltips for buffs and debuffs, if available.
  • Fixed a bug in the global UI scaling that was causing some elements to be larger or smaller than intended.
  • Retcon UI can now be closed with the Esc key and has a close button.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect icons showing on some interact prompt list rows.
  • Improved layout of delete character dialog and inventory discard UI.
  • Perk icon shows center screen when received.
  • Can’t drag from empty bag slot anymore; bag slot stays looking disabled when bag moved out of it.
  • Clicking an emote will no longer click through.
  • Trainer UI will now display the Powers menu if you have an energy builder point.


  • Invocation of Storm Calling debuffs now improve as you rank up.
  • Sigils of Ebon Weakness now improve as you rank them up.
  • Sigils of Radiant Sanctuary now use the same recharge rules as the other Sigils.
  • Binding of Aratron custom advantage now drains energy from your target instead of restoring it.
  • Arcane Vitality’s self heal now ranks up.
  • Eldritch Blast – Sorcerer’s Whim advantage now works against all held targets.
  • Eldritch Shield’s release effect now ranks up in effectiveness.
  • General fixes to Fire and Gadgeteering powers.


  • Fixed open missions: Burden of the Beastmen and Undead on Arrival.

Hero Games

  • Moved items on the Hero Games vendors around; now one vendor sells all Primary upgrades, while the other sells only Secondary upgrades. This should make it easier to find the pieces you want.
  • El Gato Rojo in Westside (next to Kountry Komics) now sells Hero Games action figures! Dominique Ducard outside of Renaissance Center still sells Hero Games costume unlocks.
  • Fixed a bug where prices in the Hero Games store were 1/10 what they should be (sorry, PvPers!).

Key Known Issues

  • The Powerhouse will allow retcon of up to the ten most recent powers changes to your character.
  • When repurchasing abilities with your existing character you may need to pick up an endurance/free power (Sparks and Dark Bolts are examples from the electricity and darkness trees). These powers are labeled as “Auto” in the power description and do not cost any of your power points to purchase. Please note, you can only have one of these powers.
  • If you do not see powers when you try to purchase them, make sure to click on the show available button and one of the orange boxes at the top of the screen.
  • Some users with old AMD Athlon XP CPUs may encounter an “auto-runs not functioning” crash after starting the launcher.

Known Issues – Powers

  • Due to changes made to how powers are constructed, many of the advantages for powers are currently broken. We will be making an effort to get these fixed as quickly as possible. Please bug any broken powers you come across to help us insure we get each and every one fixed.
  • Powers descriptions are not showing the correct values from Rank 2 to Rank 3.
  • Engaging a character’s travel power will increase the energy cost of all other powers. This might make some powers too expensive to use while the travel power is active. This is as designed. — This has always bugged me a bit in CoX, too. It’s a game balance mechanic, not something you see in comic books.
  • Power House: Last window to be accessed for training opens and closes rapidly when selected.

Known Issues – Character Creation

  • The UI does not update for the Ragdoll or the Portrait window. — Not sure I understand this.
  • Female avatar has an unusual stance. Huh. I’d agree, but assumed that was as designed.

Known Issues – UI

  • UI is under construction. If you see anything that overlaps or is not viewable or accessible, bug it. — Ah! Bug it!
  • When using Need/Greed loot mode, defeated mobs turn into shark models. — That’s ironic.
  • Scoreboards are not appearing in PVP matches.
  • Millennium City map art is not appearing.
  • Task windows for the Crime Computer and Missions occasionally pulsate.
  • Dragging a bag icon to a new slot leaves a copy of the icon; dragging it back leaves a “?” in its place.
  • Tooltip: Secondary offense tooltip is showing up improperly.

Known Issues – Gameplay

  • Not all sound effects are in the game. If you feel an element is missing sfx, bug it.
  • Occasionally, after exiting water, a character will still appear to be swimming. Sometimes, if you move your character back into and out of the water, the “swimming on land” effect goes away.
  • Sometimes, if a character breaks aggro with an enemy, that enemy will not re-aggro the character.

Known Issues – Chat

  • Chat window freaks out when user tries to resize it.
  • Clicking Reset All on chat options deletes user-created tabs.

Resolved Issues

  • There is no icon for selecting a female character.
  • When in the Powerhouse, spending all available points in a category closes the window instead of returning to category select window.
  • Powers bar in Build choice window only displays for Build #1.


The Top Issues list is here. An interesting note on how TP works — infinite uses outside of combat, but a 15 second cool-off while in. Clever.

CO: More Beta Thoughts

Another night of running some toons through the initial invasion tutorial. (Hmmm … how are we supposed to be providing “beta” feedback to Cryptic?)


  1. I really like the Invasion environment. There’s just a lot going on. Consider the “Outbreak” environment in CoX — you spend a lot of time running down the street, but the “bad guys” are all safely off behind a fence — and, of course, in small mobs that stand there and don’t attack until you come within each of their aggro ranges. Heck, the same is true for CoX in general. On the other hand, there is stuff going on all over the place in Millennium City in CO — even the “safe areas” get groups of Qularr charging into them (with cops and soldiers shooting back). It feels more dynamic — and heroic.
  2. I like the talking NPCs (limited, thus far, to two Champions). It’s a nice break from, and addition to, the voiceless dialog boxes and mute NPCs you get missions from.
  3. I like that the Level 1 powers have, in many cases, different poses associated with them each time they fire. Since you use them so much, that’s important. Martial Arts is very nice, as is the Handgun. Others, there’s less difference.


  1. The 8-toon limit is going to drive me nuts, I assure you. I’ve already deleted off one just to try some other concepts. Bleah. I think this is an area where the “console” limits/bias of CO shows, hand in hand with a “this is how people will play” bias toward single toon players. Regardless, it irks. And if the idea is that this will be expanded via microtransactions, it had best be a very small MT indeed — on the order of a buck — otherwise it will be even more irksome.
  2. The invasion tutorial is very good. I think, though, it will become long and irksome with repetition — unless the idea, again, is that folks will take a single toon (or maybe two) through to level cap completion. For altoholics (though Beta further distorts this) it’s going to be a real pain sooner or later.
  3. How the attributes (Endurance, Strength, Presence, etc.) tie into the powers and abilities is not very transparent; the tutorial doesn’t tutor on it. At least, I haven’t gotten it clear in my head, aside from persona RPG experience. Nevertheless, one is asked to choose loot based on attribute increases it gives, etc. That could all use some work. As could what the different screens do. There’s plenty of good info provided, but it’s a more complex environment than CoX, and needs more explanation therefore. 


  1. Margie noticed last night, going through the log book for the heroes after we were done, that there were a few missions we had missed. She did some research, and discovered that, for example, Foxbat is buried under some rubble somewhere, and Sapphire, I believe, is also lurking around. We need to do a bit more exploration, but suffice it to say that you can’t just take the mission chain from one end to the other and hit all the content there. Which is a good thing.
  2. If I had to characterize the feel of CO vs. the other two MMOs I’m familiar with, I’d say it has the “vibe” of CoX (through the super-hero genre) with the mechanics of LotRO (screen layout and controls, multiple trays of stuff, drops that boost attributes and sometimes require decisions about whether to use them and lose a lower-level one). It’s a nice combination.
  3. I have yet to learn or have explained or figure out how the various drops work in the primary, secondary, and tertiary (I guess) attack / defense / utility trays. Loot just seems to go the appropriate points when clicked on, but I don’t know what pressing 8, 9, or 0 does (there’s no particularly visible effect or message). Are those active powers, passive ones, or what?
  4. Took me a while to see how to customize the powers, but it can be done on the fly — right-click on the powers, I believe, and the list comes up with dropdowns for emanation points (where that applies) and sliders for color. Nice. And nice that it’s not a “tailor token” to do.
  5. How do you toggle powers on? I’ve seen mention in a few places that the Level 1 attack power can be toggled on (to fire off whenever you select a target). That’d be nice, but there’s no obvious way to do it (though in some cases the firing seems to get stuck on).
  6. There was a discussion about looting earlier. From my observations thus far, the only loot that can be kill-stolen from outside a team are the “inspiration” drops (which are immediate boosts) from kills (if you’re in melee or close blasting, you usually get it automatically because it spawns within range of you). Objects that drop are sometimes for individual heroes (the little “!” is formatted different), and sometimes for folks within the team. The team leader gets to decide on various strategies of how those get divvied up. Looting, beyond those “inspirations,” remains annoyingly manual.

Overall impression is favorable. It’s time to take some characters to the Desert and to Canada, to see how those environments play, but at the moment I am overall content with the game.

CO: Beta comments from other people

Well, with the Open Beta ostensibly started, the NDA for the Closed Beta is turned off, and folks are indeed commenting.

The comments at Champions Online NDA has dropped – Massively have a lot of the initial impressions. Not surprisingly, they consist of (a) “Ew, it’s lame, it’s console gaming, it’s buggy, it’s icky, Cryptic blew it, nobody will ever play this” and (b) “Zowee, I love it, I’m signing up for a lifetime subscription.” 

As Mark Twain put it

It is not best that we should all think alike; it is difference of opinion that make horse races.

Mark Twain (1835-1910) American writer [pseud. of Samuel Clemens]
Pudd’nhead Wilson’s Calendar (1894)

Specific comments of substance seem to be:

  1. The character creator is awesome.
  2. There’s a shortage of original content of an epic, thematic nature — though, of course, it’s the start of the game. I’ll be trying to get a feel for this as we start playing.
  3. There’s little to encourage grouping. Which is the opposite of some concerns I’d heard of previously (and doesn’t particularly bother me).
  4. It feels to much like a “console” game. This seems associated with doing lots of key presses to build up and use powers, plus movement within combat, plus repetitiveness of combat. Not sure how that is all that different from CoX. The “controls” are described as console-like. I’m not quite sure what this means (I suppose I will find out — but, honestly, it’s not clear to me what in the
  5. Power balance is off. Well, that’s often a matter of taste, and is always something true in betas and the early versions of any game (cf. CoX).
  6. Powers are too much the same. Which is the risk of balancing power sets too much, the flip side of the previous item.
  7. Servers instance too much, reducing city population in any instance excessively. Again, something to watch out for, and something Cryptic can adjust if need be.
  8. A lot of debate (pro and con) over the reduction of roles — tank, healer, etc. — in the game. Again, I think some of this is gameplay expectation and some of it will be play style. I look forward to getting a better sense of it.
  9. Some concern about non-instanced missions and drawbacks to that (boss camping, kill stealing) that I’ve seen in other MMOs. Again, to be watched for.
  10. Some folks hate the look of the game. Other think it’s da bomb. The former tend to be more of the “I don’t like it, therefore it is an abomination before Man and God,” which is tiresome in politics, let along in gaming.
  11. Micro-transactions suck. Well, they can suck depending on how they are applied. I don’t think they are intrinsically sucky (I’d rather have everything covered by the monthly cost, but …). They can easily be abused, though. Most discussion of this, though, is on a binary Evil/Not-Evil basis.

An interesting comment was made that, once the Xbox console version comes out, we may not see much in the way of big content patches. I have no idea how updating on the Xbox works; if it cannot handle large content patches (new zones, etc.) or even new game system mods, then that would in fact be a concern.

Massively did give their reviewer beta impressions, too. What’d we think? Staff impressions of the Champions Online beta – Massively. By and large, while touching on some of the above, they were pretty positive.

Comments there don’t touch on anything new, other than “Cryptic sucks!” “No, you suck!” “Nuh-uh, CO sucks!” “Nuh-uh, WoW sucks!” “You suck for saying I suck for saying CO sucks!”

Also, there are plenty of folks who seem to think the game sucks (or will suck) because of the cluster regarding the downloads last night. While the problems may be indicative of Cryptic’s ability to support the system, they don’t have much to do directly with whether it’s a good game or not.

I’m looking forward to actually playing this … albeit maybe sometime tonight. Or maybe over lunch …

CO: “The first five million years of patching were the worst …”

“… The second five million years of patching were the worst, also …”
— Marvin, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Champs Online 

Got home. Clicked on the FilePlanet link Yay! Unlocked! Downloaded the client/patcher.

Login. Um, what was my password again. (Figures out what it got set to.)

Start the download. 

Margie (doing the same on her machine) suggests this will go really fast because she’s already at 18%. I note that in the CoX world, multiple patches may apply (so to speak).

Head out to Back to School Night.

Two hours later …

Both our patchers have hung up with a disconnect error. I click [Patch]. It seems to start things over again. Mine goes a very short way, then stops.

I get an email from Lee:

De said you were downloading the Champs beta. Dunno if you’ve gotten this far yet, but once you’ve got the beta client installed, if you have problems with the patcher, I’ve found that closing the patcher (not cancelling the download, but clicking the red X of the patcher) and then restarting it, makes it chug along. Mine stopped at 9% then 15% then 51%, and each time I close/open it zips through the previously downloaded file and continues on. 

I take his advice. My client seems to start over again. Though the numbers look different. There seem to be different numbers for Patched vs. Received.

Margie tries this. She goes 47% to 0.7%. But it’s not the same numbers a I have — “Patched X Mb / Y Mb – Received Z Kb – N %.”

And when it froze again, when I tried the same way, it ended up with a loarger X, a smaller Y, and a much smaller Z, but a larger N.

(“It’s beta, Dave. It’s beta, Dave, It’s beta, Dave …”)

Actually, that’s a fair thought. All those pre-orders trying to patch essentially the entire system at once. 

And now stuck at 45%. Or, not, it just paused a bit.

Margie notes: “I expect this. I just don’t expect dead silence on the boards.” That’d be dead silence from the CO folks, not from the many, many people bitching about the download setup.

Someone suggested creating a torrent of it, but in one of the few official responses was asked not to post it — because it would removing the testing of the download process. Um, yeah. It would, but … well, unless they’re running around like crazy behind the scenes, then the testing is pretty clearly not very good for today.

Hey, here’s the official article. Sounds like a number of errors (plus load) causing the problems. Though, guys, if you’re going to say something like, “this should take about six hours to clear up,” you might want to put timestamps as well as datestamps on your posts.

Checking out the forums – lots of very confusing advice, which the above article seems to indicate is now obsolete (as far as moving files around). Waiting for something more officialler that either says, “Stick to it” or “Delete it all and start over again.”


Posting this, and moving the narrative to Comments.


CoX: Powerset Proliferation and I16

Getting all the powersets spread out between CoV and CoH (and the complementary classes therein) continues in I16, as this article notes. A couple it focuses on:

Tanker & Scrapper: Electric Armor and Electric Melee 

The original plan was just to proliferate Electric Armor and to use this opportunity to make some survivability adjustments to the set at the same time. To that end, we renamed “Conserve Power” to “Energize” and added a small self heal and short duration regeneration buff to the power. During testing, we realized that Energize came too late in the lifetime of a character to truly be useful, so for the new versions of the powerset, we swapped the progression of Lightning Reflexes and Energize (Brutes and Stalkers do not get this advantage, unfortunately). Ultimately, we decided that we really wanted a thematic match for Electric Armor on the attack side of the fence, and added Electric Melee to the mix as well.

The Electical powers are fun, and I’m glad to see them both being proliferated this way.

Dominator: Earth Assault 

Earth Assault began life as a training exercise for Jonathan “Sunstorm” Courney. Shortly after he began working here, he decided to build a new assault set for Dominators in order to help familiarize himself with the powers system. He spent some time picking the powers, dreaming up new ones and testing them, and in general just doing some really innovative and crazy things with them. After a while, he decided to take his test bed and turn it into something that could be released to the fans. This led to a lot of rebalancing, rebuilding, and when he was finally satisfied with it, he pitched it to me. Although it’s taken awhile for it to be implemented, we’re happy that we’re finally able to include it with Issue 16.

Earth Assault, like other Assault sets, combines a good mix of Ranged and Melee powers. It has a healthy dose of soft control, good damage, and with Mud Pots – one of the best Damage Auras available.

Earth Assault:
1 Stone Spears
2 Stone Mallet
4 Tremor
10 Hurl Boulder
16 Power Boost
20 Heavy mallet
28 Seismic Smash
35 Mud Pots
38 Fissure

Cool. Not so much into the Doms, but it seems a perfect fit.

Additionally, we also conducted a mini-proliferation pass on the Ancillary and Patron Power Pools, adding 5th powers to most Pools and adding Blaze Mastery for Scrappers. This has been something which people have been asking for since Fire primaries and secondary’s were given to them.

I always find the Ancillaries interesting. I’ve had characters where, thematically and functionally there was nothing in the Ancillaries I wanted or needed. I’ve had others where it filled in a valuable complementary gap (e.g., Controllers getting some sort of armor). And still others where it just meant more fun in the theme (Miss Crackle has taken the electrical one, and now get an additional cone of zappiness to go with the rest of her electical attacks — glee!).

CO: The GMail Interface

Interesting article today on how the UI director for Champs Online was one of the designers of the GMail interface. He describes some of the challenges in creating an game interface that is quick and easy to use but still provides the info that some folks want to see.

There are many times in Champions where I want to give the player every last piece of functionality but I also know that such a thing is detrimental to the overall experience. You get to a crossroads, a certain point when people can no longer find what they’re looking for. Microsoft Word is a notorious example of that crowding of features. It’s an incredibly powerful application but because you have so many features, all the really useful ones can get hidden.

In Champions Online, or any other game, you have to make sure that discoverability is not so much of a problem that you can’t actually play the game.

Attempts on CoX to add additional info (and additional ways of getting to it) have been a mixed success. Getting something that scales info from the get-go would be pretty cool.

Of course, I’m also impressed how WoW has had an extensible UI, so that people can add on things to it. I think that’s a great idea, but I don’t believe CO will be set up that way.

CO: Downloading the Beta

Wow — Convoluted Process Much? Including using the beta key three different times, the third of which r(on the Fileplanet download site) equires taking out the hyphens from the code (though it doesn’t mention that). Bleah.

I’d forgotten I had a Cryptic account already (from CoX). Which meant having to get a new password sent. Etc.

Then downloading the Download Manager.

Then waiting in line for the download to begin. Unless you want to become a paid subscriber.

Jeez — makes CoX look straightforward by comparison. Not the best introductory experience. “You never get a second chance for first impressions.”

CO: More videos (via BD and YouTube)

BD found a video showing someone demonstrating all the travel powers.


CO, Oddly enough, has all the same travel powers of CoX, but as added the Batman/Spiderman swinging travel power (which will look silly when there is *nothing* to actually swing off of) and the Buggs Bunny Tunnelling Travel Power.

Well, yes and no. 

First off, there are only so many super-hero travel powers — and most of them are “fly.” CO has plenty of added variants on that, though, including Ice Slide and Earth Flight (riding the rock), Hover Disk, and Fire Flight. Are they functionally the same as Flight? Sure. Do they have a nice character difference? Absotively, just as the Jet Boots do.

And Rocket Boots may be the same as Jump — but, again, I think it’s nice to have it as a separate item. (And let me say, I love making Tick-like crunch spots in the pavement.)

Teleport is teleport, sure — but I like the CO targeting mechanism.

I don’t like Super-Speed with trailing arms, though.

I concur that webslinging is goofy when there’s nothing to sling to — but, hell, that’s been the case with Spidey (and Batman, etc.) for years.

Plus, also via BD, some demos of the character designer. Wow. Looks great — lots of textures, logical organization and labeling — coolness. Nice addition of back items. And the body scaling controls look positively useful. I’ll be very interested in trying this out.



The videos I embedded yesterday, btw, seem to have gotten frelled up (in their embedding); I’ve traded them for links.