
You (meaning Margie — all of this is for Margie) can re-edit an entry from the blog by clicking on the paragraph marker (¶) at the top of the entry.
You can enter in various special characters by putting in the following entity codes (the ones starting with an ampersand, and including the semicolon):
° (degree) – °
¼ (1/4) – ¼
½ (1/2) – ½
¾ (3/4) – ¾

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  1. *** Dave says:

    You can do bullet points in HTML by:
    <ul><li>first bullet
    <li>second bullet
    <li>third bullet, etc.</ul>
    You can also leave a blank line between the list items (that’s what “li” stands for).
    The “ul” is unordered lists, i.e., bullet items. You can also use “ol” for order lists, i.e., numbered items.

  2. *** Dave says:

    So with ul the above comes out as:

    • first bullet
    • second bullet
    • third bullet

    but with ol it comes out as:

    1. first bullet
    2. second bullet
    3. third bullet

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