Margie’s Corn Chowder

This one’s pretty much Margie’s recipe. It’s actually scaled down from a large group recipe (great for luncheons), and makes the house smell great. Entered by Dave the Husband as a public service. 


4 oz. Bacon (diced)
½ Onion (diced)
¾ tsp. Thyme
¾ tsp. Sea Salt

2 tbsp. Flour
1 pint Chicken Broth

1-1/8 lbs. Canned Corn
½ large Idaho Potato

½ c.Heavy Cream


  1. Brown bacon until almost crisp. 
  2. Add onions and sauté until tender.
  3. Stir in seasoning until fragrant.
  4. Add flour and cook slightly.
  5. Slowly add half of broth while stirring. Cook until thickened.
  6. Add remaining broth and simmer 20 minutes.
  7. Microwave potato. When cool enough again to handle, peel and dice.
  8. Add corn and potatoes to soup and heat through.
  9. Remove from heat and stir in cream.

Serves 16.

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