
Hi, this is Margie.  I come from a family that loves to cook, to entertain in general, and to eat.  I collect cook books as a hobby, but rarely write down the often improvised combinations I end up making.  When I do, I try to record them here.  Enjoy, and there’s plenty for seconds!


  1. Peggy Laub says:

    Hi. You. or is it Me?…
    Anyway.. the other day I made a really good gravy for a pork roast, and was asked if my Mom taught me how to make gravy?.I replied no!.. my other Mom Mrs. K did. I learned most of my cooking skills from the Kleerup’s. that was followed with “you had excellent teachers.”. So thank you Kleerup family for allowing me into your kitchen decades ago. Love you all and really miss you!

  2. Ginger the Mom says:

    I read your post today — what a wonderful Mother’s Day present!!!! Margie is still cooking up a storm, me not so much. We live in a retirement community and they provide a meal a day – and we have an excellent chef! Have to admit – I give him a recipe now and then.
    Come to Colorado and visit. We have extra room.
    Mrs. K

  3. Margie says:

    Funeral potatoes has a lot of different names and variations across the country, but frog eye salad is uniquely mid-west. My mom made it once after seeing it in an article of popular side dishes by state.

    Great seeing you. Looking forward to next game day.

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