Moving to WordPress

Dave the Hubby here. I’m in the process of moving “Margie’s Kitchen” over to WordPress from Movable Type. So if you are following along the RSS feed for the site, or have links to posts here, those are likely to be broken after I do so. Visit to pick things back up and enjoy a better, brighter, more stable Margie’s Kitchen!

Comment registration

Dave the Hubby (and Webmaster) here. Due to ongoing bouts of comment spam here at Margie’s Kitchen, I’ve been forced to turn on TypeKey registration for comments. TypeKey is a free service where you can register your name and e-mail address to “prove” you are a real human being, not a spambot (or spammer in general).
The information is fully private — no sales folks will e-mail you as a result (and we don’t even require you to let us know your e-mail address).
It’s simple to use, and will keep me from having to spend too many hours cleaning up after spammers who visit here to advertise their unwanted wares.
If you have any questions, or have any problems, please contact me through the “E-mail me” link on the front page.
Now, let’s go eat!

Harvest Auction Dinner

We had a great time doing the fancy dinner for our church friends. A great time was had by all.
As promised, all of the recipes will be posted soon.
Thanks to everyone. It was delightful. And thanks to my extraordinary sous chef-sommelier-butler ***Dave


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