Flourless Chocolate Cake with White Chocolate Ganache

A rich chocolate cake that doesn’t mind the altitude here. Not only that, but you can make it without getting the electric mixer out.


1 cup, (2 sticks) Butter
8 ounces Semisweet Chocolate Chips, about 1½ cups
1¼ cups Sugar
1 cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder, sifted
6 Eggs
2 teaspoons Vanilla
12 ounces White Chocolate Chips
1 cup Heavy Cream
Powdered Sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 350. Butter a 10-inch springform pan. Line the bottom with waxed paper.
  2. Melt Butter in a small bowl in the microwave, about 2 minutes. Add Chocolate Chips and stir until melted. Returning mixture to microwave for another 30 seconds if needed. Set aside to cool.
  3. In a large bowl mix Sugar and Cocoa Powder. Add Eggs and whisk until well blended. Whisk in butter mixture and Vanilla.
  4. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake until tester comes out clean, about 45 minutes.
  5. Cool cake completely in pan on a rack. Loosen side with a knife and invert onto serving plate. Chill.
  6. To make Ganache, melt White Chocolate and Cream in the microwave, about 3 minutes. Let cool until thick. Pour 1/3 over chilled cake spreading as needed to insure coverage and a smooth surface. Chill the cake again for 15 minutes. Slowly drizzle the remaining ganache over the cake to create a smooth even coat. Before serving dust with Powdered Sugar.

Serve with a handful of raspberries or other fruit.

Note: I do not adjust the temperature when using convection, but I do reduce the time and start checking after 35 minutes.
Serves: 10-12
Prep time: 1:30
Source Cake: R.S.V.P. Los Olivos Cafe & Wine Merchant, Los Olivos, CA, via Bon Appetit.

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  1. Margie says:

    That might be challenging. The chocolate chips could be replaced with white chocolate. The challenge would be replacing the coco powder. Three tablespoons of coco and one tablespoon of oil is the eqivalent of one ounce of unsweetened chocolate, so you might be able to play around with adding more white chocolate and reducing the butter and sugar. I would start with 6 addtional ounces of white chocolate (about 2/3c chips)and reduce the butter by 6 tablespoons. I would probably eliminate the sugar as I find white chocolate too sweet. I don’t know if this will work but it’s worth a try

  2. Heather says:

    I just tried to make a white chocolate flourless cake from a wonderful chocolate flourless cake recipe i got from bon appetit. alas, it didn’t work. i noticed immediately that the texture was wrong and then read the ingredients in white chocolate. it has oil, where dark or milk chocolate doesn’t. when the cake was cooking, you could see puddles of oil in it. once i pulled it out it looked so flat. only to find that much of the cake had slipped through my springform pan because it was never solid enough to begin with. i’d hazard to guess that there was more oil on the top of this cake than on bacon. the consistency, after baking, was of a custard and the egg flavor really overtook it. i think primarily that the white chocolate, being so oily, is the part that escaped the springform while baking, while the egg stayed because it’s thicker. thus leaving me with a delightful, oily but delightful, custard. thanks for the tip though on cutting back on the butter. that’d help.

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  4. angelia says:

    Why dont you try using a white cacao like, white hot chocolate mix just reduce the sugar to half a cup due to the sugar in the hot chocolate so half a cup of sugar and 1 cup of white cacao

  5. Tamrah says:

    I have made your cake many times its wonderful. I would like to make it in 8 and 6 inch pan do I double the recipe ? thank you so much.

  6. Margie says:

    I would do 1.5 times the recipe for a 9″ and 6″ pair of cakes. That would make it 3 sticks of butter, 12 oz chocolate chips, a scant 2 cups sugar, 1 1/2 cups coco, 9 eggs, and 3 tsp vanilla.
    I find the ganache fairly generous. You may not need to increase that.
    Enjoy – Margie

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