Kick the Can Ice Cream

This does not make the firmest ice cream in the world, but it is good and fun.  Coffee cans are not what they used to be so check out other cans with replaceable lids or even plastic jars.  You need about 2 inches of space for ice/salt.

The younger scouts think this process is “magical”.  Great for breakfast.  Just serve with strawberries, peaches or bananas and a toaster waffle. Yum.


  • 1 c whipping cream
  • 1⁄2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 egg
  • 1⁄2 c sugar
  • 1 c milk
  • syrup or fruit (optional)
  • ice – cubes not crushed
  • rock salt or ice cream salt
  • duct tape
  • 1 lg (#10 – 3 qts) empty (3# coffee can) can with a plastic lid
  • 1 sm 16 oz empty (1# coffee can) can with a plastic lid


  1. Place ingredients in small size coffee can.  Do not fill more than half full.  If you are adding any syrup or fruit make sure it is cold.
  2. Mix with spoon.
  3. Seal the can with duct tape.
  4. Place the smaller can inside a larger size coffee can.
  5. Surround small can with ice and layers of rock salt.
  6. Seal large tin with duct tape.
  7. Roll or toss can for 20-30 minutes.
  8. After about 10 minutes, drain the water (not into plant life) from the large can and add more ice and salt.
  9. After about 20 minutes, wipe the inner can dry and check the consistency.
  10. Enjoy – or replace lid and roll some more.  A lot depends on the outside temperature.

Serves:  3 cups

Source:   Mostly Girl Scouts

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