Sunnyside Steak Ranch Dressing

“In the 1950’s and 1960’s my family ate at the Sunnyside Steak Ranch in Sunnyside, CA. The restaurant closed years ago. They made wonderful steak sandwiches on sourdough bread, had pots of picked vegetables on every table to snack on, and they made an incredible salad. Very simple. Whole romaine leaves with the best house dressing I’ve ever tasted. Some kind of vinaigrette. I would love to have that house dressing recipe. If anyone can help, thanks.”

“Oh my gosh!! My parents used to take my three sisters and me to the Sunnyside Steak Ranch during the early 1960s (we lived about a mile away) and the dressing was awesome! I remember it being a tannish color, and sort of creamy. The restaurant used to sell it in quart jars and we would dunk whole romaine leaves in the jar and eat them as a snack. I would also love this recipe.”

And here it is!  Mary lived in Bonita and went to the restaurant with her family too.


  • 13 oz blue cheese
  • 2 tsp black pepper
  • 2 tsp dry mustard
  • 2 tsp MSG (optional these days)
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 3 tsp paprika
  • 1 qt (4 c) mayonaise
  • 1 c wine vinegar
  • 1 qt (4 c) oil  (not 1/3 of large recipe??)



  1. Put cheese, condiments, mayonnaise in mixer bowl.
  2. Mix until smooth.
  3. Warm oil in another pan on stove until just warm.  Do not even simmer, jut slightly warm.  (This is the trick of mixing so it will not separate.)
  4. Add oil, a little at a time and slowly to the cheese mix.
  5. Last of all, add vinegar, very slowly using low speed on mixer and scraping sides of bowl.

Sis says, put condiments in mayonnaise, add to completely cheese that has been melted in oven and then add vinegar.  Use wire beater instead of mix-master and use Wesson oil and Kraft Mayonnaise only.  Add vinegar, then oil.

Serves: 3/4 gal

Large Quanity:

  • 1/2 wheel Roquefort cheese
  • 1 1/2 oz black pepper
  • 2 oz dry mustard
  • 2 1/2 oz MSG
  • 3 1/4 oz salt
  • 1 1/2 oz garlic powder
  • 2 1/4 oz paprika
  • 3 qt mayanaise
  • 1 1/2 pt wine vinegar
  • 7 qt salad oil

Serves:    A whole lot!

Source:  Mary Oswell

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