“Queen’s Knight”

First story on this season’s Storyball — and an immediate struggle. I originally was going to have three scenes with the narrator growing up, surrounding the chess knight and his feelings about it, but I couldn’t actually figure out anything that was going to work. So … I just turned it into a single scene, at Age 8, and left it at that. Not happy with it, but it got done.

(I’ll eventually link to these one they’re open to the public.)

Alas, things are off to a rocky start — only 4 of the 7 first round tales are in place, and those were all due on Friday. The next turn is due Wednesday, and only I have staked out a title (again, I have a scene in mind, but no “story” around it).

Not sure if there are too many conflicts, the subject selection isn’t working, or what, but …

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