
100 Words: “Beware the Ides of March!” On this day in Shakespeare, Julius Ceasar had a very surprising day at the office. Write about the middle.

He picked up on the fourth ring. “What?”

“Hey, Jules, how goes?”

“Busy, Brutus. And you?”

“Got a minute?”

“Crap. No, I’m prepping a presentation for the board. You know they’re going to ask me again this afternoon to take the promotion.”

A pause. “How about a working lunch then, with the rest of the team? Go out for a bite, chat, talk the reorg over a salad or something.”

“Sure, whatever. I’ll meet you all out front on the steps at noon.” He hung up. Schmoozing with backstabbers like those guys was murder. Well, once he was the boss ….

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