Fluffing up the pillows

Finally configured ecto to do an accurate preview of the posts here while I’m working on them, using the site’s own CSS.  It’s a neat little facility, but it points out that the current (well, maybe a dot release old) templating for MT is just incredibly baroque.  These posts are embedded in eight (or was it nine?) divs.  I mean — that’s just freaking crazy!

Did something similar to add the 100 Words blog to my ecto installation, so I can use ecto for posting (handy since it has a word counter).  That blog’s old school, so far as CSS goes — two or three simple divs.

Anyway, should make life a bit easier.

One thought on “Fluffing up the pillows

  1. One minor annoyance. The 100 Word blog has a keen mechanism that anything entered into the Tag field will create a link to that word (presumably a subcategory, e.g., the Donne & Donne subcat on the site). Alas, ecto (and the MT XMLRPC API) doesn’t support the Tag data element, so I still have to do that part manually.
    Still easier and more convenient to use ecto for the composition.

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