
I actually preposted a couple of 100Words whilst I was gone, so I need to post them here as soon as I get a few minutes to breathe.

The other thing I did was start to write up some decent notes on Roger Donne and his wife, Chrys.  There’s actually a whole host of characters begging to be part of their 1950s San Francisco — Carl Grackle and his bar, Roger Arbuthnot, Mr. Grey and the Nine Tears, and others.  I need to do some research on the era, but I have an idea of how to start something. The question is, how it goes.

The funny (and heartening) thing here is that, in fact, while my impetus for the Donne & Donne couple was my current enjoyment of the Dresden Files novels, I realize I’m going for something very distinct here — both in setting/power level (much lower power than Dresden) and in the focus of the characters (the relationship between the married couple).  This could be … cool.

One thought on “Hiatus

  1. Pingback: This is why we can never have nice things (in continuity) :: Doing Write

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