“Long Walk to a Short Peer”

100 Words:

How long have we been walking?

My entry:

Chrys flopped down on a boulder.  “How long have we been walking?”

Roger glanced at his watch. Again.  “Couple of hours, I guess, but this thing’s still not working”

“A-yah.  I should have brought different shoes.”

He chuckled.  “Never thought I’d miss the old army boots, but they’d be better on this kind of ground than wingtips.”

“Try heels, dearest.”

“Me and Uncle Miltie.”  Roger surveyed the pinkish rock fields under an orange, sunless sky.  “How much further you think?”

Chrys shrugged.  “Until the Taotai decides the joke’s over.  Or we get someplace.  Either way –”  She raised and accepted a hand up. “– let’s go.”