“Timing is Everything”

100 Words theme:

The car won’t start … 

My entry:

“What’s the matter?”

“The car won’t start.”

“What do you mean, it won’t start.”

“Pretty much what I think I said. It. Won’t. Start.”

“Are you turning the key far enough?”

“I believe I’ve started this car enough times to know how, in fact, to do it. And, yes, turning the key is part of that, which is why it’s what I tried first.”

“Okay, sorry. Is the battery dead?”

“I don’t know. Maybe the alternator has a problem.”

“Do we need to call someone?”

“No, I think all those SWAT guys over there will probably take care of it.”

“First things first”

Today’s 100 Words theme:

You have filled out your registration form, haven’t you? 

My entry:

“Now,” said the defense attorney, “Mister –” He glanced at his notes. “—Minuteman. Is that your birthname?”

“My identity must remain hidden, to protect my loved ones.”

“Of course. Now, you’re a registered hero in New Philadelphia, correct?”

“Wherever the bright light of freedom shines, I am a hero to the people.”

“But, more specifically, you have filled out your Form 47-0105/a, correct?”

“My –”

“Your Nathaniel Act ‘Hero’ registration for the City.”

“I – um – I just moved here and haven’t – I mean, I do have the form, but –”

“Your Honor, I move for an immediate dismissal …”

“A bolt, a colt, and a dolt.”

Today’s 100 Word topic:

A bolt, a colt, and a dolt.

My entry:

He turned the door knob. It turned cleanly, but when he pulled, the door didn’t open.

“The hell?” Len muttered, and tried it again. Same thing. He tried it four or five more times.

“Dammit.” He set the can of malt liquor down, put both hands on the knob. It turned freely, but the door still wouldn’t open.

He tried pushing the door instead. Nope. “Naw, that’d just be stupid.”

Len shouted, “Honey! Damn door won’t open again.”

Kari’s tired voice drifted from the kitchen. “Did you open the second lock this time?”

Oh. “Yeah, that’s got it. Thanks, sweetie.”

“The Direct Approach Is Usually the Best”

100 Words Theme:

Maybe this will work…

My Entry:

“This isn’t working!” I shouted to the others, jumping to the side to dodge the energy blast from the robot’s eye slit, rolling behind burning police car. “It’s got no mind to affect.”

Torchielle threw up a white-hot disk of flame in front of her, barely fending off the next blast. “And the creep’s fire-proof!”

Suddenly, the gleaming robot vanished beneath a Winnebego-sized gray block, spidery lengths of rebar reaching from its jagged edges.

“A really big slab of concrete usually works,” Velvet said, jumping down from the top of the parking structure.

I stared at her.

“What?” she asked.

“A Matter of Perspective”

100 Words Theme:

He was the luckiest guy in the world.

My entry:

“Let’s see.” The angel ran a quill pen along the page of the lengthy tome.  “Hmmm, yes. You tripped over a skateboard, smashed your knee on a fire hydrant, staggered into the street, were hit by a car, thrown thirty feet, landed in the broken glass in the middle of the avenue, caused a major accident, in which the car that came to rest atop you burst into flames, killing you after two agonizing, screaming minutes.  You were very lucky, Mr. Forester.”

“What? You call that lucky?” 

Then the angel told him what would have happened had he lived.


“If I only had a …”

100 Words topic:

If I only had a … 

My entry:

“Brain!” Jay said, grinning madly.

Dominic looked up, realizing he’d been talking aloud. “No, that wasn’t it.”


Dominic pondered a moment, then shook his head. “Close, but …”


“If I only had a courage? That doesn’t even make sense. And, no more Oz, okay?”

Jay continued cutting. “Soul!”

Dominic stopped. He looked at the bodies, some tied in chairs, others lying in pools on the floor. “Huh. Yeah, maybe.” He got back to work.

After a few moments, Jay said. “Way back home to Kansas!”

Dominic glowered. “Just keep it up, I’ll kick your ass over the rainbow.”

“Quite Contrary”

Today’s theme:

What makes this garden unique?

My entry:

“Gah,” Graham said, covering his face against the stench. “What –?”

“This?” asked Mary. “Oh, this is my garden.”

Around them, tall, thick-based plants wove a crazy-quilt of vines. Fetid white flowers blinked here and there, petals slowly waving in the breezeless chamber. Large pods sat at the base of several of the stems.

“I’m afraid to ask,” Graham said.

“Here’s where I grow my friends,” Mary explained. As she spoke, one of the pods split open. Something man-shaped and slimy slid to the ground, curled up in a fetal position. Its eyes opened, and it began to cry.

“Richness of Embarrassments”

Today’s 100 Words theme:

This is the special tour.

My entry:

“On your left,” the guide pointed out, “you’ll see your senior year high school prom.”

“Oh, God,” Carter said, trying not to look, failing.

“Out of fashion tux, check.  Large pimple on nose, check. And, yes, those were her feet.  Again.”

Carter had thought himself beyond still blushing, but was not.

“Next, the parking lot you chose for a post-prom tête-à-tête. Classy. And here we see Jennifer discussing the evening with her friends.  Ah, mirth and merriment.”

Carter tore his gaze away, only to see —

“Ah. Now on our right, we have your first day at college …”


“Paragon of Animals”

100 Words:

An unusual animal.

My entry:

They bowed their heads.

“Oh, what a work is man,” intoned Zack, closing his eyes.

“How noble in reason,” added Sara, softly.

“How infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and, um, admirable,” Thomas said. His memory was never very good for these sorts of things.

“In action, how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god,” Zack continued. Reverence breathed through his words, quiet, still.

“The beauty of the world,” Sara agreed, nodding.

“The paragon of animals.” Thomas concluded.

“Right, that’s that. Pass a bit more of him over, would you?” Zack asked. “And the mustard.”

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