Saturday notes

I ended up getting to the Tattered Cover NaNoWriMo write-in today. In fact, the community rep was unable to attend, and I ended up being the guy that three different people came over and asked, “Are you the NaNoWriMo group?” — which was kind of odd, but there you go.

We ended up with six people while I was there (2:30-4:30). It was nice — we chatted a little bit and socialbly, but, really, everyone was there to work on their novel.

I ended up with another 2200 words, which pleased me well. Plus, I didn’t get to, let alone through, where I thought I was going to (quel surprise), so I have more to write tomorrow.

I am, of course, a horrible introvert, so the whole “gather together to write together” thing still feels unnatural (Goethe wrote, “Nothing will change the fact that I cannot produce the least thing without absolute solitude,” and I tend to believe him). But the write-ins have been enjoyable, and I find myself looking forward to the next.

I am surprised that the dialog today took as long as it did, and ran into a direction — how much has the protagonist been manipulated — that I had not considered before today.

It remains remarkable to me how the characters (or the brain manipulating the characters) goes beyond conscious thought.

I broke 30K today. Amazing. In some ways, this NaNoWriMo iteration is going far easier (thus far) than either of my previous endeavors. I’m not sure why that is, or how it will extend beyond the end of the month (as what I have planned almost certainly will, being almost half there), but it’s an interesting ride.

The write-in folks asked about how K was doing. Alas, we did not get any writing done (again) today. I need to take more responsibility to make sure that happens.