Lurching past 40K

A big chunk tonight, with only a little cheating (drawing on some material I’d previously written, but fairly heavily edited). Makes up, mostly, for slacking off yesterday.

The past two stints have been pretty backstory-intensive — I suspect they’ll be broke up in next version of the story, but I wanted to get it out there. Next time, back to our cross-country jaunt to Chicago, though there may be a stop in St Louis along the way …

Katherine … hasn’t been writing. I’ve had some conversations with her about it, and she’s clearly frustrated and feeling blocked and distressed over how long it’s been since she wrote. But I can’t get her to take the next step and let me (or someone) work through or around the problem.

I’m not going to be the Cheerleader Mom and force her do to anything, but I want to balance encouragement with useful pressure with being willing to let her do her thing (or not).
