Getting short, man!

Wow. Six days left, counting today. Whew.

Okay, I’ve been slacking a bit. Last night, I worked a bit while Katherine was in karate, but was too distracted by the TV at the rec center, and then blew off doing anything when I got home.

Today, though, over 2K words, bringing me to a bit under 45K. Even if I take Thanksgiving off (which, given the work to be done prepping for guests for dinner, seems likely), I should be able to get to 50K by end of Sunday, which means I don’t have to worry about NaNoing on my business trip which starts Monday.

The story won’t be anywhere near over, of course. But more on that in a later post.

Katherine wrote tonight! Woot!

I basically told her we were doing a 10 Minute sprint. She insisted on reviewing what she had written last time first, but after that, I basically just took dictation.

She blew through the first ten minutes at high speed, then did another ten on top of that, and a bit more.

When she gets going, she gets going!

She kicked out 800 words. She’s behind her curve by 300 words, but she’s at 3K of 4K target — if she produces at the same rate, she’ll hit her target easily, too. Which I knew she could.
