And the Morning and the Evening were the First Day

Woot! One day of NaNoWriMo down, 29 more to go!

I am now reminded of how much work kicking out 1,667 words is. In my case, I ended up with 1,938, which is more than I needed (but a hair less than my personal target of 2,000 even, which gives me a bit of a buffer).

The fact is, as I look at it, is that if the novel does what I would expect it to do, I won’t be done by the 30th, and it will be more than 50K words. Which is actually a good problem to have. The problem will be actually the time to churn out the 2K/day.

The opening scene — which has been battering around my noggin for the past month, more or less — is not something I’m fully satisfied with. As with many such things, once I got into some actual logistics, stuff that “made sense” suddenly felt really awkward, forced, implausible, and a bit too clever. Bleah. It’s irksome to say, “Hey, we’ll fix that in rewrite” for the first scene, but time marches on.

I have (gasp) put a link to my novel in the NaNoWriMo sidebar section. You may read it as I go, or not, as you choose.

Kay got her novel off the ground, too. I think she was really worried about how much she would have to write, but with 4K as her overall target (the lower end of the 4th Grader scale), she only needs 133 words/day. She kicked out 137, so she’s right in line. And, honestly, in discussion with her, she could probably fill up much more than 4K by the time she’s done. We’ll see how it goes. 

There’s also a link to Kay’s novel in the sidebar.

The sidebar should also have an array of graphs and “words to date” graphics showing up, but the NaNoWriMo site is getting slammed at the moment. Hopefully that info will show up, eventually.

At any rate, a day of NaNoWriMo SUCCESS all around. Onward, to tomorrow!

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