NaNoWriMo Day 6

Today we did the Write-In at the Tattered Cover.  That was fun, and Doyce was there for a chunk of the time, too.

“In either case, Sargent,” she continued, “Japanese supernatural elements are, beyond their own native elements, highly influenced by that of China.”

“Through the laws of contagion,” Augie chimed in, suave and confident, “one would then expect that the parallel elements could be dealt with in similar ways.”

“That’s correct, Lord Weld.”

“Augustus, please,” he said, smiling.

She nodded.  I felt slightly ill.

Kay has been going great-guns, doing it all longhand (I’ve been doing the transcription), including some very respectable “scores” during the speed-writing sessions.  She did over 400 words today.  And it’s pretty darned good stuff.