Another day, another couple thousand words

Actually, only 1742 words today, but I finished up a chapter.  Woo-hoo!

I wondered what his spirit thought now.

That depended, of course, on what he had been, what his role in the Court was. If he was a mortal servant, his ghost walked the tiled halls of one of the heavens, or perhaps one of the hells. If he was one of the spirit creatures of that realm, though, he would, at most, be scattered, helpless for some time, until the purpose of his being was so missed that he coalesced about it.

Sometimes, or so I learned, that never happened. The world moved on, the Celestial Court with it. One might be recalled by one’s intimates, but even that memory would fade, as would the records that such a spirit had ever existed.

Only the dragons remembered.

I liked that bit.

I still have a very nebulous sense of what the Celestial Court is like.  In a way that helps, because Chrys’ understanding of it is incomplete as well.  And each time I circle around to it, I learn a little bit more.

Meanwhile, tomorrow is Friday, and I have to work all day, and my night will be filled with Deathly Hallows … so no idea when or how much I’ll be able to add.

Yes, it’s already the 18th, and I’m still all “wait, I’m done writing today … and I have to write more tomorrow?!”

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