Half-way there

And, at 25,849, that’s 2500 words for the day, and over half-way to the 50K mark. Huzzah!

I took a few deep breaths, then straightened my coat. “– but leave my wife out of it.” I glanced back at Chrys. “Sorry about that, honey.”

She smiled. “Not at all, Roger. Your gallantry is most appreciated.”

See why I love her? Of course, she could have handled the mook with one hand tied behind her back. But she liked it that I was willing to bruise my knuckles on her behalf.

Of course, I could have pulled a gun. But pulling a gun ups the ante. Place like this, a few punches is expected. Shooting someone draws attention, and usually means someone trying to get even.

I opened the door, and motioned Chrys in. She smiled, and walked in, pausing but a moment to give a wicked kick to the bouncer’s face.

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