The NaNoWriMo Other-Media List

I noted yesterday the music I’ve been listening to whilst writing up my Donne & Donne 50s noir detective fantasy.

I’ve also been steeping myself in some appropriate other media.  I’ve been reading a slew of Rex Stout Nero Wolfe novels from 1940s and early 50s.  I’ve also been reading some of the early Robert Parker Spenser novels, which were very heavily Raymond Chandler-influenced.  And, of course, I reread Dashell Hammett’s Maltese Falcon (1930) before this all kicked off.

While kinda-sorta staying caught up with our usual DVR list, I’ve also been watching a lot of the early 00s Nero Wolfe series from A&E.’

I don’t know if it’s helped my novel-writing, but it’s been fun.

3 thoughts on “The NaNoWriMo Other-Media List

  1. I watched both seasons of Nero Wolfe. I liked the first season better because I thought the acting then was a bit more flamboyant. They grew too measured in the second season.

    • Interesting. I don’t know that I’ve analyzed the difference between the two seasons before. Something to think about next time we run through them.

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