Twenty Thousand Words Under the Bridge

I broke the 20K mark today, adding another 2,000-odd words to story. Huzzah!  Dinner, fortune cookies, and verbal fencing with someone you do not want to screw with unless you have to.

I’m not completely happy with what I’ve done with Chrys in this section (well, in the dinner). I plan to do better in succeeding sections.

We went to Panera for the WedNite Write-In, which was fun.  A bit more coming and going of folks than at the Tattered Cover, and no Word Sprints tonight, but we managed to hit our numbers just fine.

Fong was silent for a long moment. Roger had a smile on his face, some small triumph I didn’t understand but could recognize.

Then Fong laughed, a deep rumble that made the china left on the table rattle and chime. “Very good. Very … good. You are clever enough, then. Your mate has … chosen well.”

“Uh …” Roger glanced at me. “That’s what she seems to think, anyway, and I don’t plan on doing anything to make her change her mind.” He cleared his throat. “But you haven’t answered the question.”

“Do not confuse … cleverness with license, small one, or … impudence with wisdom. You ask a questions … whose answer you do not merit.”

Kay is just under 2500 words, which would be her half-way point.  Huzzah!

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