Wherein working ahead pays off, word-count-wise

I’ve been a slug the past few days.

Thursday, I was just plain short of word count, enough so to earn a yellow (short of the 1,667). No particular excuses — the exchanges I was writing about just weren’t amenable to blasting through at high speed.

Friday … I was just bushed. Wiped. Fatigued. I took a nap for two hours on the couch in the family room, with everyone else around, and even when I woke up I was just not in a Writing Way.  So my score was a fat red zero.

But because I had been doing 2,000 as my daily target, not 1,667, I actually had some slack.  And, in fact, was all set for my get-to-50K word target today before I ever wrote anything.  Though, instead, I pounded through 2K words again at the Tattered Cover Write-In.

So, I’m back on track and a little ahead … but I’m going to try not to let that get me feeling like I can slack off.  It’s good to know that I’m building a bit of a pad in case shit happens.  Which seems more likely as the month wears on.

And now a little word from Chrys on why she can’t provide infodumps (more than she already does).

“Two things to consider — first, that the rules are not as straightforward, as clear-cut, as you might be seeking. The Celestial Court is an amalgam of all the influences that have come upon it. On one level, it is unchanging, eternal, on the other it is a reflection of all that has changed in China over the millennia. The native spirits of early China, the influence of Daoist thought, and Buddhist after that, and Confucius …”

“Sounds kind of crazy.”

“It is. Yet if you speak with some from the Court, they are not aware of the change, even though they have ‘lived’ through it. All is as it always has been. The trappings may change, other elements may come into focus, but the innermost nature seemingly remains constant, timeless.”

“Does it?”

“That is the second thing to consider. I was in the Court, but not of it. I lived there less than two decades, and only saw portions of it. My perspective is too short to be certain of anything.”

Kitten’s work slacked off a bit in pace with mine, but she got some good writing in today, and is still comfortably ahead of the curve.

One thought on “Wherein working ahead pays off, word-count-wise

  1. Go! Dave! Go!

    Recapcha: rholust obstacle

    I would ask you to include that in your story, but I don’t know what rholust means – sounds kind of dirty.

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