Looking toward NaNoWriMo 2012

So, yeah, though (once again) it’s really the last thing I need to add into my schedule, I’m planning on doing the NaNo ths year, in just under (eek!) a month.

I had three ideas for what to do, and am still undecided.

  1. Finish the “Mind & Matter” (superhero) novel I started in NaNoWriMo 2009.
    Pros: It really is sort of at the half-way point, and I know there are folks who have read it who want to read more. And given the death of City of Heroes, it would be somehow appropriate.
    Cons: I just don’t think it’s as good a story as what 2 and 3 involve.
  2. Do editing work on my “Donne & Donne” novel from 2010-2011.
    Pros: It’s something I need to do. I’d end up with a possibly-ready-to-shop-around novel at the end.
    Cons: Kind of a cheat for NaNoWriMo, though I’d probably do some sort of “2.5 hours = 1700 words” conversion.  The “Pro” here is also very scary.
  3. Start on the next “Donne & Donne” book. I have some ideas here, but nothing concrete yet.
    Pros: I’m feeling the characters, and moving forward with them would be useful. Also, would let me possibly put some foreshadowing into the first book, still under edit.
    Cons: It will only be half a novel, and I’m concerned about losing focus on the first one before finished editing. Also, future editing on the first one might invalidate stuff I write in the second one.
I keep running hot and cold on each of these ideas. Which means I’ll probably still be dithering about it by the time 1 November rolls around.