State of the NaNo

Well, I hit (the equivalent of) 14,997 words today, so I’m on course. I finished my first big pass-through of the text (started with my writing group this past year) and entry into YWriter.  And, of a coolness, I discovered a plot reveal at the end — two of them, in fact — that I had completely forgotten about from those frenzied write-in days at the end of NaNo 2011.

From there, I’ve started going through the notes on each character and updating them.  That has, in turn (a) pointed out some plot elements I dropped toward the end, and (b) some inconsistencies in how I explained things.  It also showed me that I had introduced the Real Solution to the Murder way too early (in terms of the why, not the who), which I’m now patching up.

I’m writing up a checklist of stuff I want to work on each scene.

I also realized that 2/3 of the writing is from Roger’s perspective, only 1/3 from Chrys.  I’d like to do something about that, and a gap in something I need to do with Chrys may actually work out well to make some of that up.

So, overall, going well. Not feeling quite the pressure (yet), and we’re going on a third of the month already.

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Kitten is doing well, too.  She’s hot and heavy into her revision of last year’s book (to make it more “middle school” and less “kids book” oriented).  Figuring out word counts for her has been a bit difficult — we need to consult — but she seems to be spending time, and enthusiastically, which is the important thing.

NaNoWriMo — Weekend 1

I’m actually pleased by how this process is going so far.

As noted earlier, I’m doing an “edit” on my book of the last two years for this year’s NaNo.  Calculating about 1,000 words an hour when humming along, I’m thus doing 1 hour and 40 minutes of (focused) edit work per day to keep up the equivalent pace.

Had a bit of a glitch over the weekend. Margie and I were out on a “date night” overnight on Friday, and work and helping around the house kept me away from the writing. Ended up doing my day’s chunk of writing later that night, with no particular interference to other flights of ecstasy enjoyed.

Saturday, though, was a complete loss — whole family (including Jim & Ginger) up to see the Pompeii exhibit at the Denver Natural History Museum, then a wander about the rest of the facility, then over to the zoo a bit, then off to an early dinner at Pizzeria Locale in Boulder, then hanging at Mary and Stan’s place … we got home and zonked out.

Sunday, though, I managed to put in the (equivalent) of 2,200 words, making up a bit of the loss.

What was actually cool was I was on a scene of the book I’d not gone over since originally writing it. And I was all, “Yeah, I remember this scene, but I don’t remember how it resolves or  how Roger gets out of the — OH MY GOD!”  Yeah, I pleasantly surprised myself with my own story. That’s kind of cool.

So, bottom line, I’m a bit behind, but anticipate doing some catch up and staying up (even if I have to stay up to catch up). So no worries or angst yet. Game on!



Successful NaNoWriMo Day 1! Woot!

I am exactly on target because I spent my (carefully estimated) 1:40 working on my editing process, based on my estimated 1,000 wph writing rate (I have an interruptable stopwatch app and everything to make it work).  I actually made some good progress, so I feel justified in the effort.

Katherine did some planning, had some discussions, engaged some angst, and ended up punting her effort to tomorrow.  I think she’ll do better then, after the reassuring pep talk I gave her.