No plot? No problem (this year) …

Yes, I actually have a plot this year.

I was really planning on doing all sorts of pre-plotting and outlining and fleshing out and everything short of the actual story writing (using the “Snowflake” method).  That would have made me feel a lot more comfortable.

I ended up compressing that whole process into … well, today.  And I at least have a paragraph summary of each of the “acts”, so there’s some bones of action to hang more action off of.

The funny thing is — this is actually more plotted a state than I think I’ve ever been in a NaNoWriMo writing challenge.  Usually I have an opening scene, a climax at the end, and a lot of space to backfill.

I’m doing a sequel to the Donne & Donne novel I’ve been working on the last three NaNos (and am currently working through with a writing group, so it’s still under revision). That makes the plotting a bit easier, since I have a cast of characters and a setting.  So that’s all good. Of course it also means that I’ve already drained away a lot of those lovely word-count-increasing backstory flashbacks.

So, a plot!  No problem?

Yeah … we’ll see how that all works out over the next 30 days.