The State of the NaNoWriMo Outline

Bad Writing Precedes Good WritingI did something very different this year in NaNoWriMo.  I wrote an outline.

Past years, I’ve gone with a connect the dots approach. I’ve had a beginning scene. I’ve had a sense of an ending scene. The rest is just getting from point A to point B.

This year, having been involved in some writing group discussions on the subject, I chose to do some outlining.  I actually had a multi-paragraph layout of an Intro, Four Acts, and a Conclusion, fleshed out in decent detail.  Not where I actually wanted to be with it — the technique I was using had several iterations to go — but enough to have some ideas.

As one of my protagonists, Roger, would know, no war plan survives the first encounter with the enemy.  My outline …

Well, it served as some nice guidelines. I managed to hopscotch over a bunch of stuff to have one of the big moments happen earlier than originally plotted. And rearranged some bits to backfill after that. And added a conflict I hadn’t expected to have. And some other scenes that came to mind.  I’m on my way to my second big disaster, and feeling pretty good about things.

I am glad I did the outlining, and I’m glad I was willing to bend and break it as the Muse pulled me along (nose rings are painful, I’ll tell you). I also am keeping in mind that I will not be done with the novel this year — 50K words is way too little. If lucky, I may be at or past the next big event by next Saturday, and the rest will be for me to pick up next November (assuming, he squirmed uncomfortably, I don’t do any work on it in the interim).

And, nicely enough, I’ll know then where I’m going with it. Because I have an outline.

WordHammer 40K

"... The Hammer is my keyboard."

“… The Hammer is my keyboard.”

Broke 40,000 words today, which is exactly where I need to be for today’s wordcount in NaNoWriMo, based on a 30 day month and today being the 24th and the target being 50,000 words.  A nice 2,079 words, ch-ching.

Of course, for me this is not a 30-day month, but, counting out Thanksgiving and day-after-Thanksgiving-Game-Day more like a 28 day month. I should have been tracking to that to begin with, but as we hurtle toward the end of the month (OMG NEXT SATURDAY), those little differences count.

So … no rest for the wicked, but I’ll pat myself lightly on the back for being where I am right now.