Final Tales of NaNoWriMo 2013

As predicted, I didn’t get any writing done on Thanksgiving or on the following Friday (our traditional post-Thanksgiving Game Day). Mercifully, no zeppelin explosions interfered with wrapping things up in my novel for the year.

The novel itself is, in fact, unfinished, and will be tackled (if not before [laughs hysterically at the thought of being that disciplined]) next November. My biggest goal at this point is to clean my notes up so that when that rolls around in 11 months, I will have some idea where I was going with the story.

Putting things into mothballs

Putting things into mothballs

As I mentioned, Kay kicked out a huge amount of words while we were at the Tattered Cover, and continued writing toward the finish line — until about (it turned out) 40 words short, her laptop shut down from lack of power.

When we got home, she plugged in and got ready to resume … and then howled in understandable terror when it looked like none of the stuff she’d written had gotten properly saved.  Which, the combination of using Google Docs and a crappy Internet connection made horrifyingly possible.



Except …

she did have the offline stuff enabled on her laptop (by me), and after a few moments, the document repopulated itself despite the BIG RED MESSAGE that stuff may have been lost.


Glad things are wrapped up for the year.  Very proud of Kay (and secretly pleased by how my story is turning out).  Looking forward to more!

To the future!