O Muse, Thou Tease!

First part of today’s NaNoWriMo writing:

Ugh. This is scene slow. Painful. Hard to write.

Paralleling something from last chapter, from another PoV. Should be easy.

But the dialog feels stilted. Forced.

And … oh crap, oh no, this scene makes no sense. That character wouldn’t allow it to happen. That character would absolutely know that’s a horrible idea.

Ugh. I can’t stand this.

O Muse, why hast thou abandoned me?


Fine. time for a flashback. Whatevs.

Second part of today’s NaNoWriMo Writing:

Ooooh, this is fun.

Write! Write! Write!

Oh, nice twist.

How can I fix this on the fly — oh, that’s how! Awesome!

O Muse, All Honor and Glory Be Unto Thee!

Cezanne - Kiss of the Muse

Cezanne – Kiss of the Muse

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