Here's how to contact me:
Why this page? There's just one problem with e-mail. (Well, there's more than one, but you know what I mean.) People end up moving their ISP accounts a lot more frequently than they move their (snail-)mailing addresses. And rare is the ISP that will forward such stuff (at least for free). I rediscovered this problem in November 1998, when Margie and I moved from E-Central to Earthlink. (And for those who might be wondering, E-Central is a great local ISP. I just needed something with a global, or at least national, presence, so that I could keep up with my e-mail while out of town.) I spent most of a month resubscribing to the various places that had my old account. And then I had to update my web page ... And that damned e-mail address was everywhere. Lots of reasons for that, but bottom line, it was annoying. And I'm still finding it. So, rather than trust that I will always be at Earthlink (and a good thing that), I replaced all those mailto: statements in my pages with links to this page. That way, if I ever change any of my e-mail info, it will mean only one place to change. Frankly, it seems like a good enough idea, I can't believe that nobody else has thought of it ... |