In August. It’s not up on Amazon yet, but I’ll be keeping an eye open for it. The disk set will be listed at $40, but most likely will be about $30, and will include the unaired (in its original form) pilot.
Also showing up in August is the Heroes season 1 set. This, too, will include an unaired pilot.
And also in August … season 2 of the animated Tick — which, annoyingly, like the season 1 set, will be missing an episode.
I’m probably going to pick up The Tick. I’ll likely pick up The Dresden Files. I’m seriously considering Heroes, since I managed to miss 2/3 of the season (yes, I know). We’ll see when the time comes.
You want to see the rest of Heroes, Dave. There have been an awful lot of on-the-edge-of-my-chair “Ohcrapahcrapohcrap” moments in the last few weeks!
If you want to catch up before Monday’s season finale, the SciFi Channel is showing a marathon of the entire season so far, 21 episodes, fom 9AM Saturday the 19th to 6AM Sunday. Watch ’em all! 🙂 Or just record the ones you’ve missed and catch up by Monday night.
Ah, but you’ve got that busy weekend all planned, haven’t you? 🙁
*sigh* Yeah.
If you have space, record them all plus the finale, and watch them at your leisure. 🙂
That’s a *lot* of hours of TV for the DVR.
On the other hand, cheaper than the DVD set. Hmmmm.