I’m currently using the Thesis theme.
For posts here about the technical side of blogging and this blog, go here.
In the interest of sharing the wealth and giving some credit where credit is due, here’s what I have in the way of WP plug-ins in this blog’s setup.
There are 30 plugins used: 26 active plugins and 4 inactive plugins.Active Plugins
Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection 5.3.5
» Automattic - Anti-spam Team (url)
Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from spam. Akismet Anti-spam keeps your site protected even while you sleep. To get started: activate the Akismet plugin and then go to your Akismet Settings page to set up your API key.
Better Search Replace 1.4.7
» WP Engine (url)
A small plugin for running a search/replace on your WordPress database.
Classic Editor 1.6.7
» WordPress Contributors (url)
Enables the WordPress classic editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc. Supports the older plugins that extend this screen.
Classic Widgets 0.3
» WordPress Contributors (url)
Enables the classic widgets settings screens in Appearance – Widgets and the Customizer. Disables the block editor from managing widgets.
Customize Twenty Sixteen 1.0.2
» BoldThemes (url)
Adds Google Fonts and templates without sidebar to Twenty Sixteen theme.
Featured Image Column 1.1.0
» Austin Passy (url)
Adds a column to the edit screen with the featured image if it exists.
Fonts Plugin | Use Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts or Upload Fonts 3.8.3
» Fonts Plugin (url)
The easiest to customize fonts in WordPress. Optimized for Speed. 1000+ font choices. Supports Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts and Upload Fonts.
Include Mastodon Feed 1.9.9
» wolfgang.lol (url)
Plugin providing [include-mastodon-feed] shortcode
Instant Featured Image 1.0.1
» Hugh Lashbrooke (url)
Set an image as the featured image at the same time as you insert it into the post content.
Jetpack 13.8.2
» Automattic (url)
Security, performance, and marketing tools made by WordPress experts. Jetpack keeps your site protected so you can focus on more important things.
Keyring 3.0
» Beau Lebens (url)
Keyring helps you manage your keys. It provides a generic, very hookable framework for connecting to remote systems and managing your access tokens, username/password combos etc for those services. On its own it doesn’t do much, but it enables other plugins to do things that require authorization to act on your behalf.
Keyring Social Importers 2.0
» Beau Lebens (url)
Take back your content from different social media websites like Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, Delicious and Foursquare. Store everything in your own WordPress so that you can use it however you like.
LiteSpeed Cache 6.5.4
» LiteSpeed Technologies (url)
High-performance page caching and site optimization from LiteSpeed
OpenHook 4.3.1
» Rick Beckman (url)
OpenHook opens the door to future-proof customization of WordPress and every hook-enabled theme or plugin by storing your custom actions safely in your database. OpenHook also provides a handful of useful shortcodes for even more customization possibility!
Redirection 5.5.0
» John Godley (url)
Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors
SEOPress 8.4.1
» The SEO Guys at SEOPress (url)
One of the best SEO plugins for WordPress.
Subscribe To Comments 2.3.1
» Mark Jaquith (url)
Allows readers to choose to receive notifications of new comments that are posted to an entry.
Super RSS Reader 5.2
» Aakash Chakravarthy (url)
Display any RSS feed(s) in widget with news ticker effect in multiple tabs, thumbnails, customizable color themes and more.
Top 10 4.0.2
» WebberZone (url)
Count daily and total visits per post and display the most popular posts based on the number of views
TSL iframe unfilter 1.0
» Oleg Somphane (url)
A simple iframe unfilter plugin.
Ventus - Weather Map Widget & Shortcode 1.5.0
» David Matthew (url)
Easily customise and embed the windy.com widget as a native WordPress widget or shortcode.
WebSub (FKA. PubSubHubbub) 3.2.1
» PubSubHubbub Team (url)
A better way to tell the world when your blog is updated.
WP-PluginsUsed 1.50.2
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url)
Display WordPress plugins that you currently have (both active and inactive) onto a post/page.
WP-Print 2.58.2
» Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan (url)
Displays a printable version of your WordPress blog’s post/page.
WPeMatico 2.7.11
» Etruel Developments LLC (url)
Create posts automatically from RSS/Atom feeds organized into campaigns with multiples filters. If you like it, please rate it 5 stars.
XmasB Quotes 1.6.1
» Yngve Thoresen (url)
Add quotes with images and links to your WordPress blog