I have MT4 installed to test, but am hung up on a plug-in that’s not working as it’s supposed to (the dreaded “oh, I tested that with static publishing, but it looks like it behaves differently in dynamic publishing” thang). I’m waiting on some tech support for that, but if that comes through, I’m going to call the conversion a success, and try to move forward with it in production.
If I’m not able to get it to work, I have some other fallbacks, but they’ll all take a fair amount of time to do.
Meanwhile …
Last evening we went up to Jim & Di’s for our annual eat-and-drink-a-lot fest. Much was eaten, drunk, and a good time was had by all (including Michelle, Mary, and J&D’s neighbor Linda).
Today it was wrapping up the prep for the Ks’ Christmas Party tonight — hors d’oevres to make / assemble / mound / etc., food to cook, floors to clean, mirrors to wipe, etc. Should be another fine time.