Washington is one of a minority of states that allow parents to not vaccinate their kids for things like, oh, measles. And, hey presto, there's now a measles epidemic in Washington, so lawmakers are realizing this might have not been a good idea and are looking to correct it.
Inevitably, some hardcore anti-vaxxer parents insist that they have a "philosophical right" to let their kids get and spread measles, because they believe vaccine-induced autism (based on thoroughly discredited and fraudulent science) is more of a real thing than the actual measles cases they can see around them, and because they believe the very real risk they are imposing on everyone else is trumped by their right to be doofuses.
I grant I might be biased in the matter.
Hundreds rally to preserve right not to vaccinate children amid measles outbreak
Washington currently allows parents to refuse vaccines for philosophical reasons
Idiots, will polio come back now too?
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“I, for example, would not be the least bit surprised if suddenly, out of the blue, amid the universal future reasonableness, some gentleman of ignoble or, better, of retrograde and jeering physiognomy, should emerge, set his arms akimbo, and say to us all: ‘Well, gentlemen, why don’t we reduce all this reasonableness to dust with one good kick, for the sole purpose of sending all these logarithms to the devil and living once more according to our own stupid will!’" Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Notes From Underground (1864)
+Abraham Sarmiento when did so many become so stupid?
No Zombie Apocalypse for us the Zombies would die off immediately for lack of brains to eat……………