Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Action in California Chips Away at Healthcare Sector’s Lack of Safety Culture « The Pump Handle – Safety culture continues to advance in the workplace. This is a good thing.
- Trailer for the “V” series remake hits the net. – Certainly worth a viewing, I think.
- My Magnificent Obsessions: The Silly Season – Be informed. That’s the best wisdom anyone can pass on to their friends and family. Evaluate information sources. Independently verify rumors. Use your brain.
- clever RPG mechanics from a Midsummer Night’s Dream LARP – This sounds like tremendous fun. And, as someone who once played Bottom the Weaver in Midsummer, the Glamour Hat is brilliant.
- Are Patients in Universal Healthcare Countries Less Satisfied? [denialism blog] – Right. And how many anecdotes could they find about folks who are satisfied with their universal health care system. How many horror anecdotes did they both to dig up out US health care? The fact is, there will almost always be folks dissatisfied with health care provided, which is actually one reason why health care costs continue to rise so precipitously — and which is why we should be looking at this in terms of objective outcomes rather than pull quotes and anecdotes.
- OMG International Terrorists Live In Colorado – Quick! I must flee to Florida (for at least a week) in order to be safe!
- London, 2012 – Some fun Olympics posters.
- Lessons for Girls, number one: Anger : Historiann : History and sexual politics, 1492 to the present – We’re so accustomed to how we socialize our children – both sexes – that there’s a lot of signals we’re not aware of transmitting. As parents, that should bother us a LOT.
- The Chief’s Politics – A good analysis of why the idea of an “impartial” SCOTUS justice who “only” follows the law is a shibboleth, and nonsense at the Supreme Court level. If the Constitution were so clear-cut in its application that a plain reading of the text would render the constitutionality of laws clear, then we wouldn’t need a Supreme Court. That means that subjective judgment is always going to enter into the equation … and that applies to both “conservative” and “liberal” judges. It’s fair to critique a nominee’s politics; it’s ludicrous to claim that they should (or do) have none that matter.
- “No, your kids are not adorable at this moment.” – Offering children freedom is invaluable. So is keeping them from danger. And teaching them socially acceptable behavior, regardless of the age, is a precious gift as well.
- Why are Chrysler and General Motors closing so many dealerships? – By Christopher Beam – Slate Magazine – Economics, like biology, eventually catches up with the inefficient and poorly adapted.
- Catholic Church shamed by Irish abuse report – Power + self-righteousness + lack of accountability = abuse, no matter what the pretentions to holiness. Disgusting.
- Alex Leo: If The Church Wants To Defend Life It Must Show That It Cares For It After Birth – A damnable must-read.
- RunPee: when you should leave the movie and have a wee? – Genius!
- Education ministry in Austria is no longer funds proprietary office licenses – Nice. Wish a few more of our own schools over here would look at doing the same, rather than taking Microsoft kickbacks.
- The Peter’s head will explode: IL poised to approve civil unions – Inch by inch, row by row …
- DORK TOWER, May 21, 2009 – The Milliwheaton – Hovering at 750 microwheatons myself. Most of those, of course, are probably bots.
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