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Okay, I have some gray, but not that much!

I’m getting membership offers in the mail from the freaking AARP? Gah!

Oh, okay, so you can belong if you are 50 or older, working or retired. But I’m not 50 yet, dagnabbit! 

AARP, get the hell off my lawn! 


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9 thoughts on “Okay, I have some gray, but not that much!”

  1. They just want you to be all signed up with the odometer clicks over to 50. It’s actually a courtesy contact all for your benefit since your memory might not be as good as it once wax!!

  2. Strictly self-preservation here. Not that I’m planning to split, but I’m a wee bit older than DOF, and I have a friend who learned after her divorce that she had no benefits, and barely a job. Since she was already an AARP member, she was able to sign on for a good package.
    So far, most of the literature pertains to discounts for traveling, such as hotels and airlines.
    The last magazine I read had a picture of Dolly Parton on the cover, so it’s gotta be good.

  3. Btw, this is one of our favorite signs from our travels in Wales several years back. We’d pronounce it phonetically, and pretend it referred to “H-annoyed Elderly People” (“Bloody cars driving by so bloody fast I can’t get ‘cross the bloody street t’visit with Myrtle …”).

  4. There’s only enough insurance for burial, then to live on for a year or so.
    Next step, I would have to earn a higher college degree and get a full time job….. not the lifestyle I look forward to in my old age. DOF likes to be out where the action is, while I stay home all summer with my yarn projects.
    But sitting with my guy during two emergency room episodes in the last five years certainly makes me skittish about back-up plans.

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