I enjoy the card game “Fluxx,” and I realized that there were a couple of variants out there — we’ve played “Zombie Fluxx” before — but I had no idea that there was a whole cottage industry of Fluxx expansions available. Glancing through Amazon, I see …
Monty Python Fluxx
Monty Python Fluxx Castle Expansion
Christian Fluxx
Zombie Fluxx
Zombie Fluxx Flamethrower Expansion
Jewish Fluxx
Family Fluxx
Stoner Fluxx
Plus versions in Japanese, German and Spanish
And there’s a Martian Fluxx coming out soon (thematically centered around invasion from space).
Hmmmm …
Monty Python Fluxx rules! It’s my current purse game.
It does seem there would be multiple layers of awesome there, if played in the right crowd.
Any one can play it…once they realize even if they don’t know the quotes and songs, they’re in the cards. (My sister, a non-watcher of MP, took three tries at the game before she realized she 1. Knew the songs from watching youtube and 2. notice quotes were on a lot of the cards).
Monty Python Fluxx has been procured.
Woot! We need to get some Game Day going …