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Unblogged Bits (Wed. 22-Sep-10 2330)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. About That Filibuster Proof Majority | Mother Jones – More importantly, that 60 votes included any number of Blue Dogs who were dubious assets in any attempt to push forward progressive legislation (as we’ve seen since then). One can criticize the Dems as a whole for lack of party discipline, such that the leadership was not able to coerce all 60 Dems to vote as a block, the way the GOP minority has been able to. But that general criticism must eventually fall down to specific cases — Nelson, Lincoln, Webb, Warner, and others who have been willing to throw their lot in with the GOP on more than one occasion.
  2. Hold the damn votes – I sometimes despair as to how gutless so many Democratic legislators are. As whacky as so many on the GOP side are, at least they have (a) party discipline and (b) a willingness to stand up for their zany ideals. The Dems appear to have neither.
  3. Court affirms overturning Fla. gay adoption ban – Florida AP – – Good for them, and felicitations to the Gills.
  4. Garlow And Staver: Gay Marriage Is a Fight Against An “Antichrist Spirit” – Wow. Here I am, part of the Militaristic Anti-Christian Antichrist Spirit Common Cause, and I didn’t even get a t-shirt. What a rip.
  5. Fischer: “Homosexuals Are Defined By One Characteristic Only: They Want to Use the Anal Cavity for Sex” – Does Fischer also mean that heterosexuals who engage in anal sex are a threat to military retention? Does he mean that homosexuals who are not interested in anal sex (which, presumably, would include a significant number of lesbians) should be openly welcomed into the military?
  6. Stanton Focused On Ensuring “Family” Doesn’t Include Gays – Yes, simply hand-wave away what all those “young” and “open-minded” and “idealistic” folks are saying about gay families — that’s guaranteed to make sure your beliefs are carried on by the next generation.
  7. Chambliss’ Office Was The Source Of ‘All Faggots Must Die’ Hate Speech: Ian M.
  8. After Blasting Reconciliation, Ryan Now Says Republicans ‘Have To’ Use It To Reverse Democratic Policies – Look — it’s a Hypocrisy Triple-Play: do it in the past, criticize folks who do it after you, then plan on doing it again yourself!
  9. Why Are TV’s Court Jesters Making the Most Sense? And The Most News? – “What have the REAL news commentators and analysts done for us lately?”
  10. The 12 Greatest Nerd Roles of Roddy McDowall (Other Than Planet of the Apes) – Always loved McDowall, no matter what he was in.
  11. 100 year data preservation | ZDNet – Assuming civilization doesn’t collapse, this will almost certainly be one of the biggest, underestimated problems of the next century.
  12. The Congressional Republican Pledge to Special Interests | The White House – But remember — they’re looking out for the “little guy.”
  13. The Prolific WordPress – Infographic | WordPress Hosting – Coolness.
  14. Katy Perry sings “Ur So Gay” in revenge, remains offensive while doing so | Gossip, Theater, Sports & Politics About & For Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Women | – Words mean things.
  15. Genocide Wiped Out Native American Population : Discovery News – Just a reminder, in case one was needed, that the Native American population was not some sort of preternaturally placid and peaceful living-as-one-with-each-other group of commune dwellers. They were (all too sadly) human, too.
  16. People who make $250,000 or more a year can afford a tax hike. – By Daniel Gross – Slate Magazine – I do not make $250K a year, and nobody LIKES taxes, but I expect to pay more in taxes than someone making $50K — and, in fact, more proportionately. See, I actually CARE about my community, my country, and the commonwealth, and not just to the extent that I can profit from it.
  17. The 10 Hottest Nerd Costumes for Girls (That Aren’t Slave Leia) – “There’s a nerd legend that says every male geek who gives his life in the defense of nerd-dom (like wearing a dynamite vest to the set of Transformers 3) has a pair of twin Cheetaras waiting for him in Nerd Heaven.” I think I saw all of these except a Cheetara at the Comic-Con.
  18. YouTube – Orangina Naturally Juicy French version – Okay, so this is fun. Or imaginative. Or kinky. Or weird. Or … well, it’s at least probably NSFW (except in France).
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