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Unblogged Bits (Mon. 29-Nov-10 1030)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Rep. Issa Seeks More Subpoena Power To Go After Obama Administration – That’s just swell.
  2. John Paul Stevens Explains Why He Stopped Supporting The Death Penalty – As Stevens notes, it’s not that capital punishment is a moral or constitutional wrong per se, but that our system does too little (and less and less) to make sure, procedurally, it’s only used with the greatest care and highest safeguards.
  3. Republican Grownups Abandon Republican Party – The problem is, for all their current criticism of the irresponsibility, if not lunacy, coming from the GOP … what, besides pointed op-eds and quotations, are they able to do about it? Are they going to support the Democrats instead?
  4. Islamic Center Where Arrested Somali Worshiped Set On Fire – Idjits.
  5. Godspeed, Commander Adams [Pharyngula] – “Alta, about a million years from now the human race will have crawled up to where the Krell stood in their great moment of triumph and tragedy. And your father’s name will shine again like a beacon in the galaxy. It’s true, it will remind us that we are, after all, not God.” – Commander Adams, Forbidden Planet (1956)
  6. Making Light: “We live underground. We speak with our hands.” – HA! The linked “review” is great, too.
  7. Leslie Nielsen Dies at Age 84 – The Hollywood Reporter – Thank you, sir, for Forbidden Planet, Airplane, and Police Squad / Naked Gun.
  8. US adults most likely to forgo care due to cost, have trouble paying medical bills, survey finds – It’s the greatest health care system in the world — unless you don’t have enough money to pay for your care.
  9. The Real Story of Climategate | ClimateSight – Essentially: stolen emails, cropped and stitched and framed to look like a major scandal, and everybody exonerated by multiple investigations. In a sane world, the people so torqued off at WikiLeaks would be having fits about someone stealing these emails; instead, abetted by journalists looking for sensational headlines, the denialists now believe all scientists the world over are out to pull a fast one. Cui bono?
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4 thoughts on “Unblogged Bits (Mon. 29-Nov-10 1030)”

  1. 5. Forbidden Planet was the first thing I saw Leslie Nielsen in. As much as I loved him in Police Squad (which people are still reporting as having been canceled by ABC when it was designed as a limited series of only six shows!), I still think of him first as captain of the Bellerophon.

    How long before everybody who figured in my formative years is gone?

    1. Well, Wikipedia says it was cancelled — which is by no means definitive — but it also notes:

      According to the DVD Commentary, then-ABC entertainment president Tony Thomopoulos said “Police Squad! was cancelled because the viewer had to watch it in order to appreciate it.”

      Which sounds like cancellation, not mini-series. Are you sure about that?

  2. Hmm. I distinctly remember reading before the series aired that it would be limited to six episodes. I also remember explaining this to people after that last episode aired. However, I can find nothing to confirm this. Everything I see seems to be quoting Wikipedia.

    I also remember seeing wampas attacking the base on Hoth in the trailer for The Empire Strikes Back. Maybe I started hallucinating back then.

    1. I’d never heard the story. It’s certainly not impossible; I’ll definitely keep my eyes open.

      I seem to recall reading that there were plans for a wampa attack in Empire; I don’t know I’d ever heard it got filmed.

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