Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- How the Government Shutdown Would Screw the Top Ten Science Operations Vital for the Country – Don’t worry! It’s just science! They’re all atheist liberals anyway! And all the useful science at Monsanto and Bayer will keep going along just fine!
- Cop Horrifies Middle School Children by Torturing Baby Squirrel – What a dick. Plus, y’know, nice job of teaching today’s youth that (a) the police abuse their power, or (b) if you like to abuse power, join the police.
- Military Families React To Loved Ones Fighting For Free During Shutdown: ‘It Would Be Absolutely Devastating’ – But they can be proud that their going without pay is in service to keeping the EPA from inconveniencing the Koch Bros.
- My thoughts exactly… – Much good stuff here.
- The Truth Could Kill the AT&T T-Mobile Deal – Nobody is Buying AT&T’s Justification For T-Mobile Acquisition – The only people who benefit here are the AT&T stockholders (at least short-term) and the T-Mobile executives with golden parachutes (long-term). The public? Not so much.
- Your Democratic Party in action: The Republicans ‘won’t take YES for an answer’ so let’s offer them even more – “Dems, is that really the PR consultant-scripted, focus-group tested, White House-approved message that you want to be sending? That you’re so pathetically weak, the other side won’t even accept your complete surrender? Are you sure about that?”
- Bye-Bye Beck – HA!
- While Slamming Obama For Opposition To ‘Troop Funding Bill,’ House GOP Votes Down Troop Funding — Twice – Shame!
- Scientists Consider Blocking Out the Sun to Stop Climate Change – This sort of plan sounds cool, but the devil is in the details, and I don’t have faith enough that we would know to calibrate what level of shade we’d need, or what other side effects there might be.
- Franken wants a balanced war budget – And you’d think that would be the most naturally conservative and fiscally responsible thing in the world to do. And it will get zero support.
- Is That Your Final Offer? – Democratic negotiations: “We will give you half of what you want. Well, okay, three-quarters. Wait, you want more? Fine, everything you want, but not a penny more!”
- In Depth: Best Android browser 2011: which should you use? – I’ve never much cared for Opera, and currently use Dolphin. Still …
- Daily Kos: Why Prosser needed EXACTLY +7500 votes…. – Yes, it is a rather remarkable coincidence, isn’t it?
- WI’s Kathy “I forgot to save” Nickolaus: Stupid? Or evil? | Corrente – I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but, really, this goes a giant leap past “beyond reproach,” drives through “blithering incompetence,” and ends up deep in “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” territory. And, yes, you can’t not “save” in Access.
- Elf ears – No worse, I suppose, than other body mods. Indeed, cuter than some. But not my personal cuppa.
- Why Do I Say “god(s)?” – I’ll continue to use “God” in reference to my own deity of choice, but I’m not offended if someone chooses not to do the same. There’s no objective reason why someone who doesn’t believe in same shouldn’t simply refer to the “Christian god” as one of many “gods” who’ve been worshiped over the years.
- GOP WI Governor: Only reason Dems won in state election was because they had more votes – How dare they!?
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