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And Hitler was nice to dogs

Who in their right mind would support the position of a mass murderer? People themselves unhinged? Trolls trying to elicit reactions? Ideologues? People so hurt from their own unpleasant experiences that they simply don't have any empathy for others? A tiny minority on the fringe of the bell curve who get added prominence due to the Internet?

I mean, guys, I get it. I spent many years in the "nice guy rejected by women" category back in the day. It hurts, it's unfair, it's awful.

But to, for an instant, translate that into "They all deserve to die" takes you into Sweeney Todd territory. And we all feel sorry for Sweeney Todd but we all agree he's a monster.

Why would you write a supportive comment about a monster?

Reshared post from +Kee Hinckley

"Crazy" doesn't elicit thousands of people saying "yes, he was justified". That's ideology.

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5 thoughts on “And Hitler was nice to dogs”

  1. Bearing in mind, this is a cherry-picked sample designed to be inflammatory because we want a scapegoat for a complex problem involving a culture of fear, violence, guns, mental health, poverty, education, emotional and physical abuse… the list is long. We went on the Internet, and we found out there are a lot of angry people on the internet. Then we selected a group of statements from angry men that share a common theme, and go "look, a problem".

    That, too, is ideology. This is not a war of ideology, or at least it can't be if we want to get something done.

    We have a lot of problems to solve, which the graphic does no justice.

  2. +Patrick Bick It's certainly cherry-picked. The question I have is why anyone would be saying these things even as exceptional "I done been treated wrong" kind of things.

    Certainly there's more to solving this than just magic handwaving to make such sentiments go away.

  3. The simple answer is that they value different things but with enormous conviction, and they are angry.

    If you are angry enough, the preservation of human life is a negative value, not even a low-ranking positive one.

    …or they are trolls, because trolling is a popular internet hobby, and some people think it passes for shock humour. Others just like the attention and outrage it garners.

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