So what's most disturbing in this article?
– A major radiation incident at the WIPP facility, leading to a shutdown and growing backlog of nuclear waste storage?
– Investigations into same that indicate all sorts of problems with the operations at WIPP?
– Proposals to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to build many, many more plutonium triggers for thermonuclear weapons, at a time when we already have many, many plutonium triggers stockpiled and we keep paying lip service to nuclear non-proliferation and, supposedly, to reducing nuclear stockpiles?
– That all the national nuclear labs are now being operated by for-profit LLCs that, surprisingly, keep coming up with proposals that involve spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build nuclear weapons that are not demonstrably needed?
– That Congress seems more than happy, on both sides of the aisles, to keep those for-profit LLCs making plenty of profit and plutonium triggers?
Time for more gin.
Congress pushes nuclear expansion despite accidents at weapons lab
Weapons watchdog says government’s position ‘increasingly hypocritical’ as US prepares to increase production of warheads in spite of safety and environmental concerns
This was our daily Proper Boggling of the Mind.
My mind is now thoroughly boggled, thank you.