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Blog It Forward

Les notes it is Blog It Forward day. Well, why the heck not? Eschewing the Big Ticket blogs on my blogroll, let’s do three others from the “Gotta” part of…

Les notes it is Blog It Forward day. Well, why the heck not?

Eschewing the Big Ticket blogs on my blogroll, let’s do three others from the “Gotta” part of my blogroll. Not that they aren’t big ticket blogs in my mind, but their hit rate is probably a tad lower than InstaPundit, Volokh, or Lileks.

SEBIn fact, let’s start with Les Jenkins and Stupid Evil Bastard. Les is remarkably level-headed in talking about religious matters for a strong atheist, perhaps because, while he makes his own (dis)beliefs clear, much of what he pokes fun at (or growls in outrage over) is how some folks seem to use religion as an excuse to turn off their brains, their sense of responsibility, or their idea of community. And he’s just as willing to pick on stupid atheists, too, which probably means he offends everyone, but it endears him to me. It’s not all religion, either (though it seems to come in waves) — Les is into console gaming, computers, and a variety of other fields. Good, interesting stuff, and frequently updated.

Real Live PreacherReal Live Preacher is, perhaps, the karmic balance to Les. The anonymous tales, observations, and essays of the pastor of a small Texas church, it’s often inspiring, usually moving, and frequently witty. And he’s landed a book deal, which should be interesting when it comes out. Usually posts something every 1-3 days.

GoaFNicholas Packwood, a Canadian academic (not that there’s anything wrong with that) writes Ghost of a Flea. More of a “linking” blogger than a “essayist” blogger, he almost inevitably has something of interest that I can swipe make use of for this page, doled out in daily chuncks. He has a delicate wit and felicity with the language, while evidently sharing much the same sense of humor and media interests as I do.

All three of the above also link back to me, and at least two of them leave comments here, so I suppose it’s kind of incestuous of me to recommend them to you, but each is quite worthwhile reading. At least I find them so.

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9 thoughts on “Blog It Forward”

  1. Oh my, I haven’t thought about the Megami mailing list in ages. Yes, I would be one and the same, though I don’t know how much fame it has ever garnered me. 🙂

    For the benefit of Dave who may be scratching his head right now, I used to participate in a mailing list discussion (back before blogs were around) devoted to my all-time favorite anime series. Here in the states it’s known as “Oh My Goddess!” and the list used the original Japanese title which is, if memory serves me correctly, “Ah! Megamisama!” I was a huge fan and I’m friends with the English voice actors who played the principle roles and I used to track any and all news related to the series and then blab about it on the list. Just in case you were curious.

  2. Another great reason to like Les. Margie and I positively love OMG, and periodically watch it around Valentines Day or our anniversary. Tres romantic.

    (Though I prefer it subbed, not dubbed.)

  3. At the risk of hijacking your blog post – one more reason to like *you*, Dave. OMG is how I came up with my domain name (long story that I won’t go into).

  4. Yeah, I admit I’m a dub fan, though I’ll take a sub over a bad dub any day.

    Does it help if I mention that my car’s vanity plate is KEIICHI?

    Man, I am such a geek.

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