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Random thoughts

As collected during a business trip. There Oughta Be a Law about what sort of stereo equipment is on rental cars. Fifty percent odds that a rental car (at least…

As collected during a business trip.

  1. There Oughta Be a Law about what sort of stereo equipment is on rental cars. Fifty percent odds that a rental car (at least in the midsize class I end up with) will have a CD player. The tipping point for it is whether I’ve bothered to bring CDs to listen to or not (which, Murphy-like, will guarantee that there is no CD player in the car).
  2. I miss Star Jasmine. There is a bunch of it in the planters outside of our Pasadena office, and the scent is divine.

  3. I don’t miss Star Jasmine enough to want to move back to LA and deal with LA traffic. En route from Pasadena to LAX, the traffic was sluggish and irksome — at 11:15 a.m. “It’s the Friday Getaway,” the radio blared. Before Noon? Yeesh.

    Anybody who claims Denver is becoming LA is right … LA of 1985 or so.

  4. It’s always amusing going to another city and seeing the political stuff going on there — in this case, the bitter mud-sling-fest that is the Hahn/Villaragosa mayoral contest. Makes Bush/Kerry look like a love-in.

  5. I enjoy good Arnold Schwarzenegger flicks. Eraser was not one of them, on any level. No wonder he went into politics. Crikey.

  6. Worried about how much you may need to tip the skycaps at the curb at the airport? Worry no longer — the United Airlines “Check-n-Go” service charges you a flat $2/bag, as clearly posted.

    Unless, of course, that doesn’t include tip. Bastards.

  7. Eraser really sucked.

  8. Felt rather smug when I saw the humongous lines at Terminal 1 at LAX for all the folks queueing up to fly on Southwest. Until I got to UAL’s Terminal 7, and realized that they had humongous lines tucked away off past the security gate to snake back to said gate. Half an hour. Glad I had a book, and plenty of time (though they were being good about asking folks if they had a flight in the next X minutes as you slowly shambled through). Sort of like being at Disneyland, without any entertaining decor.

  9. Visited my favorite diner in Terminal 6 at LAX — yummy chili cheese fries and a vanilla shake, as a send-off to a trip where I ate too much bad stuff (though I enjoyed most of it).

  10. Eraser was really, really awful. Bad stunts. Stupid dialog. Insipid plot. Rotten fx. Substandard Ahnold quips.

    But the star jasmine by the office was nice.

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3 thoughts on “Random thoughts”

  1. Eraser sucked on many levels but as I recall, the one that struck me hardest was the notion of a gun that shot projectiles at some significant fraction of the speed of light.

    With one shot the weapon barrel and some section of atmosphere become really energetic plasma — hot enough to give off some gamma radiation. The resulting explosion levels… I dunno. The neighborhood? The city?

    The x-ray scope that shone right through brick and metal but not bones was amusing as well.

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